Ubuntu 11 theme and Mac OS X Ultimate. Both of them still theme GREAT with Windowblinds 10 BETA for Windows 10.
If I may add this. The two themes you say work the best are different. They are different because they both have images that are the same color as the standard OS or places that the image wasn't even changed or the colors. Therefore you don't see what is and isn't really skinned. Their colors are also almost the same.
Think you are forgetting that there are areas on Win 10 that can't be skinned. But using the 2 skins you mention it isn't noticeable. I know this because I helped with the Mac skin some years back. It had many stock areas not skinned or colors changed.
I just believe you aren't quite understanding the parts that can't be changed on win 10 by skinning. Saying that my win 10 Pro machine looks pretty damn good and 100% better with these two programs then without them. Very easy to think areas aren't skinned when using a darker skin compared to a skin that everything is the same color.
My main reason for posting to your statement is to inform you that at least 4 or 5 the current people making skins and uploading are skinned as much as possible to work as correctly as they can on Win 10.
So when the latest version of WindowBlinds comes out maybe it will enable us to add a few things or maybe not.