Brad/others, could you give any insight into what kinds of content expansions and particularly minor DLC might contain from Stardock?
I ask mostly because I operate from the assumption that Stardock's Star Control reboot will follow the general pattern of Star Control 2 (and, to a greater extent, 3, though I suspect no one on the team would want to claim that as inspiration around so many dedicated fans
). That is, a fairly open galaxy where play is initially limited by some constraint (e.g., fuel, powerful enemies, engine power, etc.) and where a full story slowly unfolds through a process of discovery and gameplay, often in a loosely linear fashion perhaps most akin in the modern era to the Bioware RPG design (set opening, multiple "plot point" areas that can be completed in any order, and a finale whose exact nature is determined by decisions in the plot points but which still always comes at the end and has certain base settings pre-determined).
So (and this could entirely be a limitation of my own thinking), I have a hard time thinking of how to expand that pattern "properly" with small DLC and more significant expansions. Part of that definitely stems from the fact that I often don't like how--for instance--Bioware manages it, where I sometimes feel like I'd need to wait until all DLC is released before ever playing, so I don't "miss anything" in an initial playthrough (since their DLC almost always slots into the "plot points" section of play, and not all of those games have always supported going back after completion to tool around in the galaxy and "pick up" stuff you missed).
Now, I think I've read that SD does plan to allow post-endgame play (that's where it sounds like multiverse mods will come into play most often), but even then, I've often found these DLC can feel a little "weird" if they can be completed at any time, since suddenly you either avoid writing dialogue referencing other parts of the plot (since you don't know where the player will be), write many different dialogue-sets that play based on where the player is elsewhere, or just write one and hope it doesn't sound too incongruous when seen.
Expansions are perhaps a little easier, if they're meant to extend the story beyond its natural ending (say, by opening up a new cluster with an adventure that picks up from the endgame state--perhaps with some branching, if player choice influences how the main game ends), and tend to have the budget and complexity planned in to do things like adapt dialogue/scene-settings to player actions elsewhere in the main game (or even in other DLC/expansions), but I've also seen those done poorly.
Anyway, sorry for a gigantic wall of text on a topic that is really very silly to even be "worrying" about at this stage in the game. . . and doubly sorry if my dubious assumptions, stemming from RPGs (which I almost view Star Control as moreso than a strategy game or space combat game), are entirely insufficient to encompass the brilliance you all have planned for post-release support