Retopo ?
Something like that: http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~taoju/code/polymender.htm ?
Just a tool i found on the net that works with ply and schould do the thing for non commercial learning purposes too.
Do now how to reduce polygon size .
As you can see, most of it was generated by the third picture as base.
Yes if you have a small list you can send me in a pm or here without to much effort i`ll be glad to look at it. Prefer no videos .
uartsy.com seems great, except the fact that sculptris is awesome ( only my opinion). Look at it soon. Some tips there are really great even if you do not use zbrush or sculptris.
Just something to explain, what ive doen so far.
A Nematobrycon palmeri / emperor tetra is what i want to draw they are thin and only 5 cm long and a bit more flat than a neon would be.