Has it really been 5 years since this application was updated?
I was actually under the impression that I was running an old version with 5.10, but it looks like that's the most recent version of the program. The copyright for the version that I'm running covers 1999-2010.
That would mean there hasn't been an Icon Packager update since what, the implementation of live folders for Windows Vista and 7?
Also, after poking around with icons for quite some time over the last several days (and spending quite a bit of time working on the same icon package earlier last year), I noticed that some of my original suspicions seem to be incorrect about why Icon Packager is incapable of changing ALL of the icons used by Windows.
I used to think the reason why a lot of the icons used by the UI weren't able to be changed because of the fact that they're packaged in .dll files located in system32. For instance, the infamous shell32.dll. I thought you guys avoided messing with shell32 because it is a system file and changing it can tend to prove difficult.
However, upon closer inspection, I noticed that many of the icons that you CAN change with IconPackager are, in fact, packaged in .dll files. For instance, many of the icons such as the ones for the Control Panel and the shortcut icon (among others) are in a file in system32 called imageres.dll. It's the exact same type of file as shell32.dll... so why is one able to be changed and the other isn't?
Though, if I'm keen on how Icon Packager works, it doesn't actually edit those files at all, does it? I'm guessing it applies a "skin"... intercepts the call from Windows when it needs to draw an icon and replaces it with whatever Icon Packager is set to use.
If this is the case, is it just an issue of not being able to find or otherwise change the calls for the eye-sore icons that can't be changed by Icon Packager?
I sincerely hope a new version of IP is in the works for Windows 10... or at least planned.