I'm posting this because of a recent discussion about whether I'm better or worse than HighSun. Some people claimed the latter so I said I was going to upload a replay where I won vs him; and here it is. It's really worth watching imo because, and that's also why I saved it back then, it was a very intense fight during roughly an hour. It also shows how important it is to put nearly all resources into one's military when being in the aggro position.
It is vital that you spam light frigates (unless you are Vasari, in which case you spam starbases and corvettes). I can not stress this enough. In 95% of scenarios, spamming light frigates wins you the game.
That's what Grimm's guide says and I feel like many, very many experienced players have not fully understood it yet. This replay is a pretty good example for why the quoted passage is correct. Watch and learn 