I am losing here guys and need your thoughts.
I know since my arrival here my behavior has been spuratic, deleting skins when I am mad or hurt, saying rude things, then happy , then sad, then wanting to quit. Every direction I guess is my point, unstable.
I have reasons, though misunderstood at times I believe.
Skinning take every ounce of my being, I pour my heart into my work and spend so much time trying to make what I hope others will love, not just like, and have yet to do so on a large scale.
I thought I could come up with something new to make this year better and have not, IMO.
I have almost 16 skins better than half done and every time I get close, I start a new one.
I look at what I made and say, Brian, that aint it, and move on.Next skin.
I look at other skins made and just can not see what I am missing.
I need to skin for therapy and stress relief, not add more.When I fail it is literally killing my confidence and making me miserably sad.
Am I the only one who feels this way I wonder. Do your less than successful skins affect you physically and mentally?
I would like to not feel alone on this side of skinning, because you all seem to take what comes and go on with life so much better than me, I assumed you all do not feel as I do. So , I thought I would ask.
Also" any direction or tips on how to make my work more desirable to a general audience would be greatly appreciated at this time in my skinning life.
I want to make skins you like, I want to be liked, I want some tips on how to do that.
I am emotionally attached to WC and its members now, and want to succeed, please help me do so.I will put in the effort and time, just need some help in a direction if you can offer any.
Sorry for my lame post as always, but this is me.DT1
PS, I am sure you all pour your heart into your works also, just do not know how you dont get discouraged.