A DLC focused on tactical battles would interest me.
Ideally this would include:
1. Wider assortment of battlefields that provide more tactical options. Example:
- Map bisected by a bridge
- Swamp map that limits the mobility of heavily encumbered and mounted units
- Forest maze map that restricts ranged attacks to 5 tiles (since the code does not exist for Line of Sight limits)
- Village Map
- Larger city streets map where army must fight in narrow streets.
2. Terrain tile effects on battles - Heavily encumbered units can't enter swamp tiles or forest tiles, bonus for units atop a hill. Plate units knocked prone in river tiles drown.
2. Add new tactical combat traits and commands for units and heroes.
Perhaps having a Commander Hero with a specific training allows units with shields to select Shield Wall or fortify their tile. Hero commander can order all adjacent bow units to Swarm Attack the same target at the same time.
Example: Commander > Fortifications > All units start combat in fortified tiles if defending against an army lead by a lower level hero.
- Commander Hero Tactical Path > Scouts > Ambush
- Example: Commander > Scouts > Units in this commander's Army gain +4 bonus to initiative on first turn of combat & cancels opposing army ambush ability bonus (i.e. you can't ambush a commander with the Scouts Ability)
- Example: Commander > Ambush > Attacking unit has option to begin combat 2 tiles closer (for melee unit advantage) or 2 tiles farther (for ranged unit advantage) from enemy units
3. New City improvements that affect the battlefield selected, if the city is attacked
- Moat
- Battlements - A line of fortified titles that provide a bonus to defense for units in them.
- Infantry Militia Barracks - provides better defending militia, but it costs gold per season to maintain. No gold and the Militia barracks is disbanded.
- Bowman militia Barracks - provides additional archer units for defense, but it costs gold to maintain. No gold and the barracks is automatically disbanded.
4. More spells that affect tactical combat:
Darkness: Limits ranged attacks and ranged spells to a range of 4 tiles. Enemy and friendly units 5 or more tiles distant from the active unit can't be seen. Affects attacker and defender.
6. More unit standard types such as horse archers for Tarth and mounted lancers.
7. Range effects on bow units - i.e. long bows have a longer range than short bows.