I can't remember if psionic scream requires you to face the target...isn't it a frontal cone? That is a significant liability if trying to counter MB...
Detonate AM is, IMO, the best counter to MB...you are best off hitting the marza as soon as you can to whittle down it's AM and prevent it from being able to use MB in the first place...only weakness is that the cooldown time is longer than the duration, so there is a window where MB can do some heavy damage...
Ion bolt can prevent the ship from moving/jumping and thus is more useful for actually killing the marza...depending on the circumstance that may be preferable to detonate antimatter...it also gives the akkan the opportunity to reposition so that it can follow the marza and make sure you always have an interrupt ability in range of it...
Armistice is a good safeguard but of course has the obvious drawback that once used, you can't immediately attack the marza without some seriously good micro...reverie and phase out hull have similar weaknesses...in the case of PoH, you can't attack the marza at all...in the case of reverie, the disablement is canceled once the ship takes too much damage...
Magnetize works well and has a good cooldown to duration ratio....problem is it is very limited in what it can do....combining with EMP does well but you have just increased the necessary micro and AM needed to get the job done...akkan would be a lot easier and a lot more effective in killing the marza...
Disruptive strikes is good but finicky....you have to hit the marza with a flashbeam, so it's not something you can fire on command...in my experience there have just been too many times where the kortul doesn't give you the results you are looking for when trying to interrupt MB...much better at simply draining AM from titans, etc. over time...
I would also seriously consider shield regeneration as a counter...lvl 3 shield regen is pretty damn good at protecting your fleet from MB and usually you can withstand a full lvl 6 barrage provided you have the AM on the prog...even if you can only fire it once, that may be enough time to kill the marza...I've successfully countered MB in the hands of a skilled player several times with shield regeneration, but it does require good micro and certainly not the "safest" counter...you can pull it off with lvl 2 shield regen but you are going to have to kill the marza fairly quickly -- doable, but incredibly risky...if you only have lvl 1 shield regeneration, don't even bother...if you are facing a lvl 8 marza, you MUST have lvl 3 or lvl 4 shield regeneration as well as enough AM for multiple uses....
Just an fyi about these...detonate AM, EMP, magnetize, and disruptive strikes can affect SBs while ion bolt, phase out hull, and reverie cannot...this is important when dealing with mass disorientation and red button...armistice DOES protect you from RB, contrary to some people's opinions...magnetize and detonate AM will NOT interrupt or disable abilities on titans, though they will drain AM or suck in SC (respectively)...