I'm playing 983
- Lack of information about bonuses/traits of factions and races when creating custom sovereign's and factions.
- Auto-resolve of combat ignores magical abilities making it easy for the AI (or a knowledgeable player) to defeat any and all magic heavy challenges
- Auto placement of units in combat is poor, often meaning fragile units in the front line and strong units behind and leading to fragile units dying immediately
- When making a new game using Ctrl-N crashes the game after it has been done a few times in a row
- Save and load is dodgy, after re-loading units can be in slightly different places or movement points than they were before loading. This includes the players units as well as AI/monsters. Furthermore autosave seems to be saving at a slightly random point between turns (in fact this might be the main problem here).
- Popup windows appear in random order and at inappropriate times. This affects quests, level-ups and other popup windows
- When a popup window appears map often scrolls to a different location from where the event that triggered the popup happened
- AI is getting better but is still not very good at managing heroes, building killer stacks or casting magic.
What's missing from this list? Please also let me know if you think any of these have been fixed since 0.981 as I haven't played the latest release.
1. Is a personal preference imo. How much stuff should the user have to deal with? It's debatable but not something that i would expect the developers to worry about before release.
2. was fixed in 983
3. I agree here. This is borderline serious and if it doesn't get fixed the game might get tagged.
4. I spam on ctrl-n without a problem.
5. I don't experience this.
6. This is personal preference. There aren't that many dialogs in this game.
7. I haven't run into this in 983.
8. The AI can always be 'better'. But the AI in this game at challenging is very challenging for me and I think I'm pretty good at these kinds of games.
I think only 3 warrants attention but I wouldn't hold up a release for that. I've tried to focus my alerts to things that I think are genuinely show stoppers. Things that would derail the game.
If the first item you list is not getting enough tool tips on the creation of a custom faction, something most people will never do,I think that's a sign that the game is ready for release even as far back as 981 let alone 983 or what comes out with 984.