I play a lot of Vasari Loyalists and I can tell you from my experience and watching others that they are thee most over powered race in the game.
They may cost more but, the fact you can warp in 20 starbases is a bit over the wall "OP"...
Not to mention with the ability to consume worlds it only takes a few ships to plow through and take the planet. I have also seen that even though the planet is under protection of your or your opposing culture, loyalists can still some how take the planet then consume it.
I will update this forum with a video if possible when I can capture it without too many problems with "errors" or lag...
I have also seen titans gain up to 200 damage in one weapon by itself from research, culture, concentration of abilities to power, and buffs from outside sources giving a grand total of almost 500-800 damage from all weapons (not including the area of effect). This basically wipes the battlefield of non loyalists in matters of seconds instead of minutes...