I have one request to make. Battle reports.
One of the finest additions Empire Earth 2 ever made. It would work for sins perfectly:
After a player/AI enters a gravity well where an enemy is present (or if two enemy fleets meet in a gravity well) Sins considers this as start of the Battle for System X (X=name of the system) and when one of the two parties are gone (killed, retreated or cease fire) Sins considers this as end of the battle. It records the number of troops per troop type that took part in the battle and it's outcome (Won, Lost, Truce, Retreat), as well as the time of start and the end time of the battle.
On the statistics screen one has a tab with a list of all the battles fought (in chronological order) with detailed information to scroll through. This would make a game much more memorable and personal. Cool addition would be the possibility to export the List.
Thanks for listening