Ok just tried TEC rebel again for the first time after my first beta game.
Rushed TAR... and I'm still getting attacked by all neutrals except pirates. Is it supposed to work that way now? Haven't seen anyone comment on it so I just made a new thread.
Also misc stuff (most already talked about, but I thought I might as well type em here too anyway):
*The new pirate callin is incredibly lame.. 
*Advent is a bit lacklustre and I agree with the people thinking the rebel titans ultimate is stupid.
*Haven't seen the advent rebel rezzes working.
*Advent factions need to have clearer themes, mechanics and advantages. TEC rebels are the aggressors, loyalists are the turtlers. While I don't really agree "turtler" is a good niche for a faction (really defensive games are kinda boring..), the niches are clear and supported by their tech. Advent loyalists.... err kinda mindcontrol.. I guess? Rebels kinda rez? And perhaps sacrifice..?
*I don't really like the corvettes niche (LRF killer..?). I don't really have enough experience with the game to tell if it's good for the game overall, but they just seem too handy, but if they weren't, they would (again) have no niche. I would really prefer if they were made to have another niche like harasser (some tech for keeping them good in the endgame) or even really fast and hardhitting strikeforce, but clearly worse then the alternatives for a stand up fight.