I'm really enjoying the general vibe of the Beta so far and I feel its going in the right direction. While playing I usually jot down how I feel about certain aspects or how I won a game or how the AI lost the game is some cases.
I understand too many chefs ruin a soup, as if you add in a little of every spice it usually tastes like shit.
So I can also see how hard it is taking forum feedback and working with it. Everyone wants the game to play how they want it to, and most of them think everyone agrees with them.
That being said this will just be a growing list as I beta test the game more. I have over 130 hrs of play time on this game already and I really think its got a solid basis and now just needs some tweaking and refinement.
- Magic Staves and Wands. Staffs that shoot magic. This would help make "mage" type units for armies without giving them a list of spells to cast.
- Fantastical mounts. I've seen Horses, Boars and a few other types as well. I think maybe a few faction specific ones or rares ones that you can get from a rare resource (Like a griffon) would help mix it up a bit. Plus it would look cool.
- Events/World Events. I've seen a few people suggest this as well and I think its already in. Maybe a slider to adjust the frequency in a match. But small and large events really break up large chunks of peace or war and can help provide you with challenges to break a tried and true strategy you use or give you an advantage, or even just add some flavor and make you feel like a hero and like you are managing a kingdom.
- Labeled Map Areas. I think it would be neat to have areas of the map labeled when you zoom out to cloth map mode. All fantasy books, movies games have unique areas labeled. We have those very cool wildzones now, but maybe have a Mountain range named, or a peak or a large forest. Jagged Tooth Mountains. The Endless Sands. Tyrath Forest. It may not add anything game play wise (or it could for having it in your zone of control) but it does add flavor and distinction and makes the world feel more real or alive.
- Hero Classes. The Hero level up system seems a bit clumsy, I do like the randomness of it. The rare traits seem to come up fairly often which can be good or bad. However to help specialize heroes even more, maybe after your champion hits level 10 you can specialize in a more advanced class which would have some old abilities from your previous class with abilities from your new class. I know you can multiclass already if you happen to get a second option to, but I think having a more elite class choice when you hit level 10 can add some more distinction and flair. For Example a Warrior at level 10 could pick from the Paladin, Knight, Ranger or Spellsword. Every level after that he would choose abilities from his warrior class or his advanced class. Specialized Classes could cross as well so if a basic Healer class hits level 10 he could pick Paladin as his specialized class giving him a bit more tanking ability while maintaining some of the stronger aspects of his healing class. More choices will help keep Champions fresh every game.
- Champion stacks of doom. While this starts fun at beginning of a game, by late game you still can usually win with the same leveled stack. This is tough to balance because you want champions to be useful. They are as much as part of this game as the armies are. Also filling them out with loot and leveling them up is fun. My past few games I've found myself purposely limiting the amount of heroes I've been using. I think maybe you should look into limiting how many heroes you can have over all to how many you can have per army. Also I saw the suggestion of dividing exp up when heroes are in groups and this is a great idea as well. You can still have large hero stack but every hero you add diltues the individual strength a hero would have if leveled alone.
- Non Combat Champion Classes. The way of the Governor is a cool class idea but can use some fleshing out. He should have a way to level without seeing combat and give cool bonuses to what cities he is in. Its a neat idea for a champion because his power lies outside combat. I also think the other classes should lose their army wide bonuses. These should be given to another slightly non combat class; General or Tactician class. They provide more leader ship for an army and give army wide bonuses, as were you champions more on their abilities and powers. If your army has a Tactician class hero in it maybe you can arrange your troops before every battle? That could be a cool ability.
- Wild Lands. I love this concept in this game. A wide tract of in-hospital land that needs to be cleansed to get the benfits from it. They should be dangerous and they should be hard. They should take considerable resources from a player that wants to capture it, claim is treasures and tame it, so that they have to factor it into their plan of conquest. These are always cool to come across and I think the more variety you add the better it will get!
- Creatures/Monsters. More. More variety. More twisted creations and more fantasy staples. I think this was a huge draw for MoM. The game already has some awesome creatures in it, but again, variety helps with future replay. Minotaurs, Hydras, Dragons (yes they are in but I only saw them while doing the master quest), Land Worms, Giants etc.
- Champion Archers. They need to fit in a little better, maybe give them some cooler abilities. Like an AOE arrow shot (generic Rain of Arrows) or a multi arrow that hits all enemies on the map. Straight shot, this arrow hits all units in a straight line in from of the Archer, including friendlies. Also maybe give him different arrows to equip as well. Fire arrows, ice arrows etc.
- Friendly Fire. This should be on by default. This will force careful thinking when your forces are tangled up in a melee and you want to drop a blizzard in the mix. You'd have to weigh your losses or position it carefully.
- Quest Replenishment. Quests should replenish them selves over the course of a game. Not the same ones you beaten but new opportunities should pop up during the course of the game.
- Mounted units and Champions shrink. When you have your Champion mount he and his horse are pretty small. It looks kinda goofy.
That's all I got for now I'd love to hear more from the community and the developers!