Recently my computer crashed and I lost all of my game data. I installed Trinity on my new PC, and need to download the updates all over again. However, I have a poor Internet connection, and no longer have the capability of downloading the patches and fixes; is there a way to download them on a different computer, where I have access to high-speed Internet?
I also had a question about archiving. Someone told me that "archive" will save the entire game, complete with patches, to any destination I choose, but the one time I tried it (prior to my PC crash) it did not let me choose my archive destination, and instead began archiving to a folder on my PC (I wanted it on my external hard drive as a backup in case I needed to re-install the updates - my Internet, as stated, is quite poor). Is there a way to archive the game to an external hard drive? If so, can the game be run/updated from an external hard drive? It is my hope to get around my poor Internet by archiving to my external hard drive and taking the game and Impulse to a public Internet service (like at my local library) and then downloading the patches there. Does anyone know if this will work?
Thirdly, I like to take screenshots periodically; especially with my PC's new HD graphics card. However, the folder destination and address is not valid on my new PC. Whereas before I went to AppData...Local...Ironclad...etc., I no longer have an "AppData" folder, and the file path seems to have vanished, even though it remains the same in-game. I have done some hard drive searches but cannot find the six screenshots I took yesterday. The PC is an HP, and it has Windows 7 on it (64-bit); does anyone a suggestion?
Thanks everyone!
- KerrdogJ