Hello everyone! I am a huge fan of Sins, however, all games eventually lose their shine after much play, and I now wish to uninstall it and give it a rest for a few months. I also have another reason for removing the game from my computer: memory shortage. I need to make some space on my hard drive until I can purchase some external memory. However, I have a problem. High-speed Internet is the stuff of myth and legend in my neck of the woods, and I am leery of removing the game because of the many updates I have needed to download. A couple of them were quite difficult to obtain, and bumped us down to dial-up speed for a day. This is not an acceptable occurrence for me as I take online courses at a local college; I cannot afford to suffer any more Internet outages. Is there a way to download my already downloaded updates to disk, so that I do not have to re-download them from Impulse the next time I install the game? Do I find the updates by uninstalling the game and then checking to see what files remain on my computer?
Thank y'all, and have a good evening!