So I've played for a bit now and it's all becoming clearer, however two questions are currently pestering me:
1. Food
a) Ok, I know how to build a farm, but on the entire map - despite already whiping out another kingdom - I
have not found any fertile ground other than the initial one. Is that a bad joke?
When you research the tech that reveals two alternative food sources exactly two of them appear in my
area of influence, which is nice admittedly, but again I have found none anywhere else on the map. Why?!?
2. Enchantments
A lot of spells say 'takes up one enchantment slot'. But how many are there?
Can I cast nature's bounty on all my cities with my souvereign or not?
The only thing I noticed, is that every summoning can only be done once - per spell caster, which
makes a limited amount of sense, I guess.
3. City growth
Is there a way to increase the 50 tiles per city limit? For example by building an infrastructure improvement
or by researching a tech? If not, please make one