Hi everybody!
So... remember that fat book that came out a bit after MOM? Called "The Official Strategy Guide"? That's what a handbook should look like, a large book, 460 pages thick, filled to the brim with really useful data... it was wonderful.
You don't know it? Never heard of MOM? Don't worry, this post is interesting for you anyway 
Of course handbooks can't be that wonderfully detailed these days - lot of effort, high shipping weight. Thus many people who complain about the lack of a solid handbook create a Wiki page. Which I personally don't like so much - I like holding a book (or a fat PDF printout) in my hand, sitting in a bus/plane/beach and reading it.
So, two questions:
1) Stardock, your PDF handbook is nice, but waaay to small and not enough detailed. The ingame-help is very nice, but still not sufficient, especially for beginners. Are you planning to bring out an FF (Fat and Free) handbook? I mean, of course some company will have the rights to write and sell a Strategy Guide, but these days these books are usually not particularly impressive. And they cost quite a bit of money.
2) Players, I hear complaints about lack of handbook. I've heard suggestions for a Wiki. How about we write a fat, solid PDF handbook, distributed for free, filled to the brim with useful info, tipps, tricks? Explaining the whole thing from scratch for beginners, but with enough solid info to delight the experts, too?
I'd be willing to do this, if 1) Stardock allows me to and 2) you chaps send me all the info you've found out, anything you'd like to see in the handbook. If Stardock doesn't mind, perhaps we could even have a sub-forum here?
I'm reasonably good at using the LaTeX system, thus the PDF would look rather solid and easy to read. I also have a bit of time on my hands.
Initially the PDF would come out every few days, but as we'll keep updating it for quite a while (adding newly found info, extensions and the like), we could keep it up to date for a long time 
Greetings from octoberfest-crazy Munich,