Hey everybody..
I've read all ur comments and thank you for giving us some hints to improve our map.
1) The idea to put the health crystal at another point is, i think, a little problem, cause on the one hand, it should not be such near at the towers at the portals, and on the other hand, it should not be such near at the fight, so you can escape very easily.
2) I think we will change the position of the citadel with the position of the front fort, because, as u all said, it is to near in the middel and in the fight.
3) A very important point, u mentioned, is, that u can farm the creeps, protected from ur own towers. There i think it was the best idea, to put some towers in front of the own portals, so they can stop enemy heros from farming creep waves.
4) @Trigeminal: the idea of the forts was, to protect the goldmine flag from being capped by the enemies. If there would be no protection, the opposing demigods might teleport to the towers at ur portals, and cap the goldmine flag... So we wanted to prevent this easy capping there.
5) @Shred_Demon: We will try to bring ur idea into another map, but it could take some time to create a new map. But we will do our best.
6) @Thanatosesc: This map does replace the current Cataract map as a mod, but we try to implentate it as an own map, but our recent tries leaded us to the crash of Demigod...
Thank you for all comments and pls go on helping us to improve our map and to create new ones!