I play Vasari but don't usually do a mass Assailant rush, but on occassion when I do I find these tactics very effective against me...
- Scout spam, especially with Advent but also with TEC. An army of scouts is cheaper and faster to build and will eat through Assailants when they out number them.
- People getting their Capital ship out of there before I can destroy it. The combo of Egg and Assailants excel at killing cap ships early in the game. When it escapes, sits by a repair bay for a minute and is back in the fight good as new it is harder with win a fight that relies on speed.
- Illum spams. Ship for ship Illums will beat Assailant, but they take longer to get up.
- Carriers. Same as Illums they take longer to get up and running but they are very effective against Assailants.
- Maxing a planets health so I can't take it and build a closer frigate bay. Odds are if I am rushing I am not going to be able to colonize volcano or ice planets, so if it takes me a long time to kill an enemy asteroid then that is all the longer my ships have to make a handful of jumps to get to the action.
Things that wouldn't bother me much...
- Building multiple capital ships, even carrier caps. If they are pumping out 2 or 3 cap ships (and not getting fed) then they don't have enough frigates to support them and will either have to retreat or die.
- Building defenses at some place other then their home world. If they fortify their asteroid then I'll just leave it and go to their home world.
- Building so many defenses that they have no money to build ships. Seems like a no brainer but people do it all the time. I'll just research carriers and flak and come back with a more balanced fleet and mop the floor.
- Spaming any light frigate or Jav's. Assailants can tear through these quite easily and just cost my enemy money he could use to develop something better.
Make sure to always scout effectivelly early in the game. Don't worry about what is 10 jumps away from you unless you are vasari and trying to find neutral resource asteroids, instead let your teammates deal with that and focus on what your closest enemy is doing. If he is outright skipping planets to get you with a lrm rush he is doing a "sink or swim" gamble. Of all the things listed above I would rush a large number of scouts, without over doing it, to blunt his initial wave then start developing a more advanced ship like the carrier which can target both Assailants and cap ships depending on whether you make fighters or bombers.