This isn't so much a bug or even an exploit but thought I'd throw this out to the technical team.
I've been playing the demo for a while now. Waiting for my birthday to get the full blown game (next week btw). I played the "Balance of Power" scenario but turned off the computer players & confirmed that the pirates were enabled. (which they were). I then started playing.
Immediately a "Victorious!" screen came up showing that I won the game (yay me!) and asked me if I wanted to continue playing or quit. I chose "continue playing". I got into the game & played as normal. Only this time I only fought the pirates.
Now the demo has a 90 minute time limit on the game. I've been finding that out everytime I play against the computer.
20:58 later (that's 20 hours & 58 minutes) I was still playing. I had already defeated the pirates, took over all the planets, upped all my technology, upped just about everything. I had over 400,000 credites, like 500,000 metal & 600,000 crystal.
So like I's not really a bug, or a exploit...just a "issue". Not sure if it's ground breaking or anything but thought I'd let someone know.
I look forward very much to playing for real & thanks for a great game!!