Inspired by the "Greatest Disapointment" thread.
What games did you run across in a dollar bin? Download from Gamers Gate for 50 cents? Have a friend give it to you because they were simply done with it?
How many of you looked at those games and thought "This is going to be the biggest waste of time.....period .
Then to your surprise BAM! It is the most entertaining game you have played in a while.
What games would those be?
For me it is :
Sins of a Solar Empire - Bought it as a whim from Walmart. I was convinced it was going to be bad but I had nothing to lose. I was very wrong.
American Conquest - I bought this from Target for 10 bucks for a Christmas gift for a friend. I was meant to be a gag/joke gift but after we both played it (ignoring the bugs and flaws of the game) it was really not that bad at all. Especially for the price.
Diablo 2 - Even after not playing it for years I went back to it to get a friend of mine into it. I had completely forgotton how great of a game it was. I can remember now how addicting it all was.