I didn't wanted to meant that I want a empire management like those TBS games, but more than it is in Sins actually, and so feel more attached to the empire I builted and have more features than just the warfare to deal with and make decisions over. I like Sins, I don't wish it to change completly or else I would just go buy GalCiv. To adapt some more empire management.
I also think it does what it was ment to do well and will achieve more with the expansions to come. I just know already what ships I want, what tech and when a game ends I wish I could go on but having more things to do since I like the game, get involved in more complex gameplay, stronger decisions and feel more close to the empire I formed. For exemple, its not even necessary to take account of the name of the planets. I try to memorize some for the sake of feeling more attached to the empire sometimes. Planets in sins are just control points, tough I don't see that necessarily has bad.
When it ends, I feel like playing again because I like what is there but it stops me that I'll get almost the same. I think I wanted more unnexpected things to happen and more decisions to take than current. The expansions will add more approaches, tough not about empire/planet admistrating, but thats good, Sins need it, there is room to take it further.
Again, I like Sins a lot, but I can't say I didn't wanted to take more into my planets (and empire). Also that it had key planets that have a big influence in the galaxy (be it by others work or not), that you can try to take over etc. I think things like it makes each game more unique like felt in GalCiv (something good for any game) and more difference between planets would be nice, has you remember some names and feel more intimate with the game actuall enviroment and have by that some kind of plot.
When playing with a medium number of planets, there is not much difference to planets, just the number of them you hold, aside the ones with relics (and I love that because makes some planets more "key" and feel important (distinguished). I think the planets with relics add a bit of that uniqueness to a certain match, tough small. Same goes for the minerals, after you have a 'so much' few planets, the ones having it more metal or cristal, don't show their weight anymore; this just occurs in the beggning of the game. I like Sins and I like simple gameplay (I find it simple) but I wish it could have more of that. The Phase lines are great, they just "smell" strategy IMO, and actually, Sins just "smell" strategy to me right away, being simple and efficient, very pure on that, but It's also to much reliable only on the Phase lines. More dinstinguishment between the planets could lead to different paths, like wish to attain a planets because it offers certain bonuses instead of the good but almost only motive that is the universal strategic position if not to just have one more. Relics are good but add little to that yet.
Truth be told, since Sins came out, I promptly indentified that what gives me much of the delight I have in it it's the strike crafts. They give moviment to the battles and are very fun to have and collect while the army grows. If it wasn't for it, the game would have little replayability to me. I find the crafts fun, that showed to me how good animation can be important and I find them a great idea, since the capital ships are factories itselves and those crafts are also what gives much of the scope of Sins. But not to exclude everything else like the amazingly remarkably voice over (much especially Advent) and interesting ship designs, phase lines strategy system and many things actually. But it's the strike crafts that gives me replayability (to see them in action) and look for relic planets. The strike crafts have a unique and very important role in Sins, it was one of the smartest creations there for many reasons also with the choice for their functionability, I put it together with the phaseline strategizing and planet distribution in importance and a definition of the game characterists. When I remember Sins I more instantly think of phase lines and strike crafts.
Sins is relying to much only in it's main qualities imho. I'm curious to see where this game goes and if there will be a sequel to it sometime in the future. Much probably will, since like IGN voted on I guess, it's the best new IP in game industry; it's main features, gameplay and designs are original. Not that I'm waiting a sequel, just that it will be nice to occur too. Most expansions, but then especially micro expasions, won't touch some game aspects.
Sorry all those english mistakes.