Like Zubaz just said , your computer or network is blocking the connection .. (you don't need a telnet service running , telnet is basically the lowest form of tcp socket communication , you can telnet to html : 80 , irc , ftp ,basically anything(tho you wont be able to read what you get , not send correct reply's by hand , you should be able to get a connect to any listening port every time)) .
to check if multiplicity is actually listening on port 30564 :
on the secondary:
netstat -n -a
in a dos box , you should see an entry :
If you don't have that , multiplicity isn't accepting any calls
if you do have that , do the following again :
on the secondary first , try to connect using telnet.
C\>telnet 30564
then try it again on the primary..
(check the correct ip's on your secondary first , type ipconfig on your secondary to get a list)
(choose the IP that had the forst 3 numbers identical to an IP on your primary, probably)
(starting with 192.168.0 then another number at the end, the 2 end numbers should be different)
(for every computer in your network)
C\>telnet 192.168.X.Y 30564
Come back here when you're done and tell me what worked and what didn't, that will tell me a lot more about your situation,ill check this forum a few times again today.
EDIT: it's 30564 every time , lol sorry for the typo's
EDIT2: if you get a telnet connect , the reply from multiplicity will be