Since i'm very deep into testing my mod (most of the time & since at least two months back!) for a number of add-ons (new technos & buildings) and verification of variable settings to determine if the values selected for AI personalities (huge gaps in some cases) and abilities (mostly boosted to the rim) fare well enough against X-Com_Magnetic_Apocalypsion races and also their Major counterparts Shado_Interceptors_Thunderbirds... i can only share this much if it should really matter;
Yesterday evening test,
X-Com / DA / Medium / Challenging (but this relates more to a general common need, while presuming higher and lower values do react accordingly)
(Galactic Warfare)
(Xeno Engineering)
(Stellar Cartography)
(Xeno Research)
(Xeno Biology)
ECO(10);MOR(15);SOP(30);RES(20;MIP(20)... Financial=130%.
1--Xeno Communications
2--Universal Translator *contact any Races asap, done.
3--Planetary Improvements *for percentages.
4--Advanced Computing *Tech-Capital
5--Diplomatic Relations *Negotiation edge.
6--Trade *Economic-Capital
7--Xeno Economics *Percentage, upgrading bldg.
8--Xeno Industrial Theory *Manufacturing-Capital +%.
9--Logistics (range & speed initial step)
10--Miniaturization (will have to build the faster trade ships later on)
... Normally, i try getting to Republic very fast and/or Ion Drive.
But, by trading a LOT with Minors/Majors i usually get stuff like; Space Militarization, New Propulsion +++ MUCHO cash.
One thing you should know though is that ALL my custom planetary systems are stacked with high PQs. Let's just say that local development(s) are always quick and dirty **for everyone**.
Capitalist? Me? Well, what else can buy you a ride in the galaxy? Productivity?