I played this game back in June-July (so it pre-dates
Purge's AAR posted in September) but did not have a chance to complete the AAR and post it until now.
Here is a detailed AAR for my strategy for winning a suicide (all AIs set to ultimate) game I played on a medium map. Keep in mind that strategies need to be tailored to your victory goal, difficulty level, map (size, rare vs. abundant, home world location, etc.), and research rate.
For my first DA game I tried a 1.6 suicide, medium map game and for the first time playing a mixed factories and labs strategy, fell far behind thanks to the much improved planetary development of the new AI(congrats Brad!). I abandoned the game when the Drengin Empire declared war on me and were overwhelming me with their numbers but maybe I should have continued with the game by designing a heavily armored frigate rather than relying on my first strike advantage (less powerful than in DL prior to 1.2 where all attackers had first strike but could also build very fast attack ships with small cheap engines).
For my second attempt I switched to the all factories strategy. With this strategy you don't build any labs, just factories and focus their output to research. With the mixed factories and labs strategy you need to allocate spending to military, social, and research production. With only factories you may ignore research spending since you have no labs to fund and allocate all spending to military or social production, thus using 100% of your factory capacity! Another advanced strategy is the all labs strategy where you don't build any factories, just labs and focus their output on military or social.
With the all factories strategy your military and social production are very high. Great for building colony and constructor ships in the early game and expensive combat ships in the later game. Your planets also develop very quickly which makes even research faster than the mixed strategy. With the all labs strategy research is very fast but ship construction and planetary development are on a par with the mixed strategy. I prefer the all factories strategy because with the all labs strategy you can't have a planet producing military, social, and research output, instead you may have at most only two of the three with one always being research. The all labs strategy is best if your goal is a research victory, especially on a map without many planets but for the other victory goals I think the all factories strategy is best.
The medium map is the hardest map to win on suicide.
On tiny maps you can rush the AI.
On gigantic maps the colonization phase lasts much longer (the AIs don't get aggressive until this phase ends) and the AIs will cripple their economy by expanding too fast (quickly spending the starting game capital on buying colony ships and factories rather than building them). Also these maps have the most galactic resources that can net you a global bonus of up to 39% each! A skilled human player is much better at claiming these than the AI and will pay AIs to go to war so that he/she may claim their resources when their starbases are destroyed by the enemy.
When playing a suicide/medium game you must plan ahead and always be working to one or more goals. Playing the all factories strategy and keeping spending at 100%, I frequently adjust my spending sliders between military and social to limit waste. If a planet is building a ship that costs 190BC but is producing 180 per turn, then it with take 2 turns and 360BC to build it! Adjust your sliders so that it is completed in one turn but remember this will affect your other planets too! Another option is to switch a planet from research focus, to social, military, or no focus. I usually start a new colony with focus social until my factories are built and then switch focus to research.
I like to build fast constructors with good range for claiming galactic resources but very cheap ones for building up starbases. A constructor module on a cargo hull costs 125BC but only 110BC on a small hull and 95BC on a tiny hull.
Another trick is to start building a ship before you have researched all the techs for the design. This is possible because you may switch ship construction without penalty! So while you’re researching the techs for that expensive next generation warship start building your most expensive ship and switch when you have the new design. If your ship construction will complete before the design is ready then switch to Nothing; switch to the final design when it is ready and your ship is partially built, maybe even ready next turn. Sometimes I'll create an interim more expensive design and switch to it to keep production going while researching the techs necessary for the final design.
Most new player's research strategy is to always research the cheapest tech; this is a bad strategy. Every time you make a research choice you need to consider more than the cost of a tech but also how it will assist you in achieving your goals. One turn researching a cheap tech that does not help you is a wasted opportunity. The techs that provide you with a global bonus to your economy, population growth, morale, production, speed, and diplomacy are very valuable! Also look for the techs that allow you to buildup your economic and mining starbases. Mining starbases are always useful but I only bother with economic starbases on medium or smaller maps; on larger maps there are so many planets that it is not worth the effort to boost the production of a few planets.
With the all factories strategy your planets will develop quickly but funding this development gets expensive. I keep my taxes low so my morale is 100% for double the population growth. As my morale grows (from morale galactic resources and morale techs) I raise my taxes but keep morale at 100%. When my planet's population nears maximum (or I really need the money) I raise taxes keeping morale above 50%. Some players let morale go very low and then drop taxes just before an election but I think this is cheesy.
Finally, you need to keep the AIs from declaring war on you while you build up your infrastructure. When an AI demands tribute consider how much they want and whether they are in range of your planets before deciding to pay or not. Once you have a healthy economy you may pay the AIs to fight each other while you build up your military for your first war. Use the Altarian Resistance's super ability to your advantage by paying the evil races to attack them; the other good races will come to their aid giving you a galactic wide war between good and evil. Remember to have a constructor waiting to claim galactic resources as they become available (i.e., when the starbases mining them get destroyed during the war)!
THE BACKSTORY:The Lexionians are a warrior race who were finally united 30 years ago by Lord Drath. Lord Drath was a master of the tactic of inflicting a decisive first strike against the enemy before they could return fire. This allowed him to defeat enemies with superior technology or numbers and eventually conquer the entire planet. Finally united, research was directed to peaceful endeavors. This lead to the discovery of controlled fusion power (fusion bombs were already discovered but a controlled reaction in a reactor is another matter).
Now his son, Lord Drax, not content to rule a planet, will lead them to the stars! The Lexionians had already setup a base on their nearby moon but interstellar travel would require faster than light travel. Then one day the Altarian Resistance in a distant part of the Galaxy sent a probe through a wormhole. It emerged damaged from the wormhole in the Lexionian system. The Lexionians detected its signals and sent a ship to retrieve it. From this probe the Lexionians were able to reverse engineer a FLT drive. They immediately began construction of a FLT survey and colony ship; a space miner built to mine a nearby asteroid field was upgraded to include the new drive.
Meanwhile, in a distant part of the Galaxy a civil war rages between the Drengin Empire and the Korath Clan over the fate of the other races. The Altarian Resistance do not wish to be enslaved by the Drengin Empire or exterminated by the Korath Clan. They are searching for a new home far away but they are unable to restore contact with the probe they sent through an unexplored wormhole, six month before! With signs that the wormhole is growing unstable and their end will shift to a new location, they send two colony ships, a survey ship, and a space miner through the wormhole. As the ships travel through the unstable wormhole their computer cores are damaged and most of their data banks erased! This end of the wormhole is no longer in the Lexionian system but lucky for them there is a nearby habitable planet on which they build a colony by cannibalizing one of the colony ships.
As the unstable wormhole shifts around the Torian Confederation, Krynn Consulate, Thalan Empire, Drengin Empire, and Korath Clan send similar fleets and each suffers the same faint as the Altarians. Cut off from Drengin and Korath controlled space, each race finds itself on an equal footing.
Map: Medium
Stars: Common (Loose Clusters)
Planets: Common
Habital Planets: Common
Asteriods: Abundant
Anomalies: Abundant
Blind exploration disabled.
All victory conditions enabled.
Surrender enabled.
Tech trading disabled.
Very fast research.
Mega events enabled.
Level: Suicide, 6 Ultimate AIs
AI's economy, production, and research are run at 400% (i.e., 300% bonus) of normal; it gets a ~60% bonus to miniaturization and +5 or 6 sensors!
Altarian Resistance
Torian Confederation
Krynn Consulate
Thalan Empire
Drengin Empire
Korath Clan
Minors: Random (It turned out there was one, the Akilians)
I'm playing a custom race called the Lexionians.
Super Ability: Super Warrior (First Strike)
Economics: +20% (Policital Party: Federalists)
Logistics: +6
Luck: +25% (1 race point)
Morale: +10% (1 race point)
Population Growth: +40% (5 race points)
Speed: +2 (8 race points)
Starting techs:
Galactic Warfare (MP +10%)
Xeno Engineering (SP +10%)
Planetary Improvements (MP/SP/RP +10%)
Stellary Cartography
In order to complete with the ultimate AIs during the colonization phase I Ctrl-N until I get a Home World with at least a 300% manufacturing bonus tile.
Rather than waste my starting capital buying colony ships, I always purchase a factory on that tile, queue up others, and then I'm able to quickly build them instead (buying costs 10 times as much as building)! When I get the first planet that meets these requirements, I’m shocked! Lex is a class 10 (later 13 with terraforming) with a precursor mine (700% manufacturing bonus), 300% manufacturing bonus, and a 100% manufacturing bonus tile! I've been playing GalCiv II since Dec. 2005 and I've never seen a planet with such high manufacturing bonuses! The perfect place for my Manufacturing Capital! With the all factories strategy and Lex, lack of production capacity will never be a problem but avoiding production waste and paying for that production will be a major concern!

MP = Military Production, SP = Social Production, RP = Research Production,
E = Economy, PG = Population Growth, M = Morale, D = Diplomacy, S = Soldiering
PI = Planetary Improvement, TG = Trade Good
The 1st year my focus was exploration, colonization, claiming galactic resources and anomalies,
and growing my production/research/economy(population,morale).
Since I'm playing the all factories strategy, I ignore the research branch except for Advanced Computing
(Economic Starbase Module: Smart Drones [MP/SP/RP +4%]) and miniturization.
Major Events of the 1st Year in Chronological Order:
2226-02-15 Colonized Octavia III (Class 12)
Colonized Russom V (Class 3)
Evil ethical choice for 39% production bonus.
2226-03-08 Colonized Lex II (Class 4)
Began constructing Constructor S3.
2226-03-22 Began constructing Constructor S1-S.
Began constructing Survey Ship S3.
2226-04-15 Claimed morale galactic resource.
2226-05-08 Claimed research galactic resource.
2226-09-01 Reached espionage level medium on the Altarian Resistance.
2226-10-01 Espionage spending halted after 3rd spy (all 3 are sabotaging the AR, 2 research and 1 fact.)
2226-10-15 Colonized Hestia I (class 14, Aquatic)
2226-10-22 Colonized Russom I (Class 7, Barren)
2226-11-01 Colonized Martin V (Class 13, Barren)
Colonized Brindle I (Class 12, Aquatic)
2226-11-08 Colonized Alshain IV (Class 8, Aquatic)
2226-11-15 Colonized Gladstone III (Class 11, Toxic)
2226-12-01 Debt > 500BC, production shutdown!!! I raise taxes to 59%.
2226-12-22 I traded Research Treaty(RT) to the Korath for RT and no cash (they were broke too).
List of Techs Researched the 1st Year in Chronological Order:
Xeno Industrial Theory (SP +10%, PI: Factory, Manufacturing Capital,
Economic Starbase Module: Adv. Starbase Factory [MP/SP/RP +4%],
Mining Starbase Module: Mining Headquaters +5%)
Space Militarization (MP +10%)
HyperDrive -> New Propulsion Techniques -> Ion Drive (Ship: Constructor S3)
Sensors Mark I (Sensor Range +1, Ship: Survey Ship S3)
Impulse Drive (Speed +1)
Xeno Economics (E +10%, PI: Adv. Market Center)
Basic Logistics (+3 now 9)
Space Mining 1 (Level 2 Mining Base on Asteriods)
Xeno Factory Construction (PI: Enhanced Factory,
Economic Starbase Module: Massive Scaling Center [MP/SP/RP +4%],
Mining Starbase Module: Resource Excavation +5%)
General Life Support (Range +20, needed for my survey ships)
Extended Life Support (Range +40, needed for my survey ships)
Xeno Research -> Advanced Computing (Economic Starbase Module: Smart Drones [MP/SP/RP +4%])
Basic Miniturization (+10%) -> Enhanced Miniturization (+15%, Ship: Colony Ship S3)
Soil Enhancement
Xeno Biology
-> Extreme Colonization
-> Aquatic World Colonization
-> Barren World Colonization
-> Toxic World Colonization
-> Xeno Medicine (PG +10%)
Xeno Communications (D +5%) -> Universal Translator (D +5%)
-> Interstellar Governments (D +5%, note researched in the same turn as the other two above)
-> Xeno Entertainment (Morale +15%)
-> Dipolmatic Relations (D +10%)
-> Trade (D +10%, Trade +10%, Routes +3, PI: Economic Capital)
-> Advanced Trade (Trade +10%, Routes +3)
-> Alliances (D +10%)

The 2nd year my focus was growing my economy(population,morale)/production/research.
Major Events of the 2st Year in Chronological Order:
2227-01-01 UP votes not to require the Korath Clan to share 7% of their income to the other races.
Altarian Resistance, Torian Confederation, and Lexionians(me) vote in favor.
Drengin Empire, Korath Clan, Krynn, and Thalan Empire voted no.
Thalan Empire demanded 137BC tribute but I'm unable to pay (Neutral -> Wary)
2227-01-15 Korath Clan demanded 293BC, I rejected the demand.
2227-01-22 Drengin Empire demanded 83BC, I rejected the demand.
2227-02-01 Torian Confederation demanded 37BC, I rejected the demand.
Switched gov't to Interstellar Republic.
2227-02-15 Vesta IV deserts the Drengin Empire to join with the Altarian Resistance.
2227-03-01 Switched gov't to Star Democracy.
Trade with Korath Clan established.
2227-03-22 Krynn demanded 1BC; I paid (Cool -> Neutral)
2227-04-08 Reached Habitat Improvements
2227-05-01 Built Political Capital on Octavia III.
2227-06-08 Built 4th EC Starbase.
2227-06-15 Patroklos II deserts the Thalans to join with the Torian Confederation.
2227-07-22 Reached Terraforming.
Built Mind Control Center (E + 100%) on Lex.
2227-08-01 Built Harmony Crystals (M +20%) on Lex II.
Brindle I is in danger of revolting to the Thalans who built the Restaurant
of Eternity so I drop taxes from 69% to 52% for 100% morale.
2227-08-15 Brindle I is no longer revolting.
2227-09-08 Reached Galactic Stock Exchanges; dropped taxes to 49%.
2227-09-22 Reached Extreme Entertaiment (M +15%, TG: Ultra Spices).
Built Artifical Slave Center (MP +50%) on Octavia III.
2227-10-22 Built Ultra Spices (M +15%) on Lex II.
Reached Advanced Aquatic World Colonization.
2227-11-15 Reached Advanced Barren World Colonization.
2227-12-08 Reached Advanced Toxic Atmosphere Reduction.
2227-12-22 Paid the Drengin Empire 1462BC to declare war on the Altarian Resistance
causing the Torian Confederation to declare war on the Drengin Empire.
Paid the Korath Clan 1721BC to declare war on the Altarian Resistance
causing the Torian Confederation to declare war on the Korath Clan.
With the 2nd and final wave of colonization completed, I controlled 10 planets,
the 6 major AIs controlled a total of 37 planets (KC 9, DE 8, AR 7, TE 6, TC's 5, and KC 2),
and 1 minor AI controlled 1 planet.
List of Techs Researched the 2nd Year in Chronological Order:
Interstellar Republic (D +10%, Influence +5%, Govt: Interstellar Republic = E +10%)
-> Star Democracy (D +10%, Influence +5%, Govt: Star Democracy = E +20%)
Master Trade (Trade +10%, Routes +3)
Habitat Improvement
Xeno Ethics ((D +5%, TG: Harmony Crystals = M +20%)
-> Good and Evil (D +10%)
-> Concepts of Malice (D +10%, PI: Artifical Slave Center = MP +50%,
Mind Control Center = E +100%, No Mercy Invasion Center)
Xeno Trade Centers (PI: Trade Centers)
-> Xeno Bank Construction (E +5%, PI: Banking Center)
-> Galactic Stock Exchanges (PI: Stock Market)
Extreme Entertaiment (TG: Ultra Spices = M +15%)
Advanced Aquatic World Colonization
Advanced Barren World Colonization
Advanced Toxic Atmosphere Reductor
Xeno Farm Construction I
Sensors II -> Sensors III -> Sensors IV (Eyes of the Universe)

The 3rd year my focus was war! So I researched all the invasion techs plus planetary defense for the
soldiering bonus. I researched weapons, engines, hulls, miniturization, and logistics for better ships
and larger fleets. Note if you have the Super Warrior(first-strike) ability, logistics is very valuable
and defense does not matter much. Manufacturing Centers not only let me upgrade my Enchanced Factories
but also let me upgrade my economic(+21%) and mining(+34%) starbases!
Major Events of the 3rd Year in Chronological Order:
2228-01-01 UP votes I should host the Galactic Olympiad next year giving me +20BC/week for the next year.
2228-01-08 Altarian Resistance started taking out Korath Clan Influence Starbases near Markus III.
Drengin Empire demanded 393BC and I paid (relations: Neutral -> Warm).
2228-01-15 Patroklos III is hit by a comet and breaks up forming an asteriod belt.
Thalans demanded 1463BC and I paid (relations: Wary -> Cool).
2228-02-01 Built No Mercy Invasion Center on Lex II.
2228-03-08 Built Eyes of the Universe on Lex II.
Cabinet Meeting on Lex:
Lord Drax:
Update me on the status of preparations for the invasions of the Akilians and Krynn Consulate.
Dr. Silogen:
With the discovery of Phasors we can now begin production of heavy fighters that would crush them.
Admiral Krathu:
Those invasions could lead to war with the Thalan Empire or powerful Altarian Resistance. Their latest
ships are far more powerful; they are receiving mysterious bonuses to hit points and miniaturization.
Lord Drax:
That is not the only mysterious bonuses afforded the other major powers. Despite my superior utilization
of resources we only hold a clear lead in colonization (my 10 planets to KC's 9, DE's 8, AR's 7,TE's 6,
TC's 5, and KC's 2), population due to high moral, and social production due to my strategy to only
build factories (redirecting some of their output to research). This should give us the lead in economy,
especially with a 100% bonus from the Mind Control Center, and influence but instead we are just average
there. We are also just average in terms of manufacturing despite my all factories strategy, the huge
bonuses on Lex, and the 50% bonus from the Artifical Slave Center on Octivia III because most of our
shipyards are idle waiting to start production on our combat fleet. In all other categories we are far
behind except for the weak Krynn Consulate!
Dr. Silogen:
If current ethical research restrictions were lifted we could quickly perfect Psyonic beam weapons;
they have 4 times the firepower of Phasors and only 1.3 times the size but are over 4 times the price.
Lord Drax:
Consider them lifted. The ships will be expensive limiting the number we can produce and maintain;
however, thanks to the "Eyes of the Universe" we need not tie up most of our fleet defending our worlds
and can focus more on clearing enemy worlds for invasion and defending starbases and remote planets.
My father Lord Drath achieved decisive victories by perfecting the first strike tactic.
If our ships can reenter normal space within firing range, get a weapons lock and fire before the enemy
then they might destroy some or all of the enemy ships before they could return fire!
Admiral Krathu:
Reentry to normal space so close to the enemy fleet is possible would be dangerous;
there would be no margin for error!
Lord Drax:
Since we will be producing a few expensive quality ships rather than many cheaper ships,
we will be able to staff them with the crews best able to master this technique.
2228-03-15 Altarian Resistanced captured Markus III (Class 13, Toxic World) from the Korath Clan.
2228-03-22 Began constructing Star Falcons.

2228-04-22 Began constructing Troop Transports.

2228-05-01 Espionage spending halted after 12th agent(10 remain).
2228-06-22 Altarian Resistance demanded 595BC and I paid (relations: Wary -> Cool).
Declared war on the Akilians.
2228-07-01 Korath Clan captured Cordelia II (Class 9, Toxic World) from the Torian Confederation.
2228-07-08 Claimed an influence galactic resource near Toria freed when the Drengin Empire destroyed the
Torian Confederation's starbase.
Invaded Akilians I (Class 15+3) using Mini-Soldiers.
Soldiering: 76 25
Technology: 45320 8592
Troops: 2000 12096
55 x 4 1124 0
Stole Shields.
After reconstruction and terraforming planet will have:
1 Civilization Captial
1 Starport (Building Constructor S1-S)
7 Manufacturing Centers
7 Stock Markets
1 Extreme Stadium
1 Nano Recorders (R +10%)
The Akilians were destroyed!

2228-07-22 Claimed a morale galactic resource near Poseidon III freed when the Altarian Resistance
destroyed the Korath's starbase.
Raised taxes from 49% to 69%.
Declared war on the Krynn Consulate.
Invaded Kryseth II (class 12+4) using Mini-Soldiers.
Soldiering: 76 30
Technology: 47713 32201
Troops: 2000 6000
36 x 5 1270 0
Stole Large Scale Building.
After reconstruction and terraforming planet will have:
1 Initial Colony
1 Starport (Building Space Miner S2-S)
9 Manufacturing Centers
1 Anti-Matter Power Plant
2 Stock Markets
1 Xeno Farming
1 Extreme Stadium
Invaded Kryseth (class 12+1) using Mini-Soldiers.
Soldiering: 76 30
Technology: 50211 32201
Troops: 2000 6000
42 x 5 430 0
Stole Advanced Miniturization.
After reconstruction and terraforming planet will have:
1 Civilization Captial
1 Starport (Building Space Hawk II)
7 Manufacturing Centers
1 Manufacturing Capital
1 Anti-Matter Power Plant
1 Stock Market
1 Counter Espionage Center
Began constructing Star Hawk IIs.
The Krynn Consulate was destroyed!
Krynn Consulate ships were divided as follows:
Pirates 16, Altarian Resistance 4, Torian Confederation 4, Thalan Empire 4, and Korath Clan 4.
The pirates immediately started fighting with the other ships.
2228-08-15 Nullified an enemy agent on Lex on my Manufacturing Captial; I had 9 agents left.
2228-09-08 Claimed an influence galactic resource near Drengi freed when the Altarian Resistance
destroyed the Drengin Empire's starbase.
Enemy agent placed on my Stock Market on Lex II; I ignore it for now.
2228-09-15 Torian Confederation made peace with the Drengin Empire.
Paid the Korath Clan 3978BC to declare war on the Thalan Empire.
Began constructing Star Hawk IIIs and Troop Transport S4B3s.

2228-10-01 Declared war on the Torian Confederation.
Invaded Patroklos II (class 8+1) using Mini-Soldiers.
Soldiering: 76 32
Technology: 59479 61791
Troops: 2000 6000
36 x 6 1100 0
Stole Fusion Power Planets.
After reconstruction and terraforming planet will have:
1 Initial Colony
1 Starport (Building Constructor S1-T)
2 Industrial Sectors (1 on a 100% manufacturing bonus)
1 Quantum Power Plant
1 Technologial Capital
1 Stock Market
1 Xeno Farming (100% farm bonus)
1 Extreme Stadium
Invaded Toria IV (class 8+1) using Mini-Soldiers.
Soldiering: 76 32
Technology: 59927 61791
Troops: 2000 9688
41 x 5 952 0
Stole Space Mining II.
After reconstruction and terraforming planet will have:
1 Initial Colony
1 Starport (Building Space Hawk III)
4 Industrial Sectors (1 on a 100% manufacturing bonus)
1 Stock Market
1 Xeno Farming
1 Zero G Sports Arena (100% morale bonus)
Invaded Cassius I (class 13+5) using Mini-Soldiers.
Soldiering: 76 32
Technology: 62486 62379
Troops: 2000 8590
41 x 6 760 0
Stole Phasors IV.
After reconstruction and terraforming planet will have:
1 Initial Colony
1 Starport (Building Space Hawk III)
4 Industrial Sectors
3 Manufacturing Centers
1 Quantum Power Plant
1 Economic Capital
5 Stock Markets
1 Xeno Farming
1 Zero G Sports Arena
2228-10-08 Invaded Hatch II (class 13+2, Heavy Gravity World) using Mini-Soldiers.
Soldiering: 76 32
Technology: 65176 62505
Troops: 2000 5222
31 x 6 1030 0
Stole Anti-Matter Power Planets.
After reconstruction and terraforming planet will have:
1 Initial Colony
1 Starport (Building Constructor S1-T)
6 Manufacturing Centers
5 Stock Markets
1 Xeno Farming
1 Zero G Sports Arena
Invaded Toria (class 12+1) using Mini-Soldiers.
Soldiering: 76 32
Technology: 66536 62505
Troops: 4000 14351
37 x 6 1739 0
After reconstruction and terraforming planet will have:
1 Civilization Captial
1 Starport (Building Space Hawk III)
2 Industrial Sectors
3 Manufacturing Centers
1 Manufacturing Capital
1 Quantum Power Plant
1 Stock Market
1 Extreme Stadium
1 Fertility Clinic
1 Omega Defense System
The Torian Confederation was destroyed!
2228-10-22 Nullified enemy agents on Lex on my Manufacturing Captial and
Manufacturing Center on a 700% manufacturing bonus tile; I had 7 agents left.
2228-12-15 Began constructing Star Hawk IVs.
List of Techs Researched the 3rd Year in Chronological Order:
Space Weapons -> ... -> Psionic Beam (Star Falcon)
Planetary Invasion -> Planetary Bombardment (S +5%) -> Stellar Marines (S +15%)
-> Adv. Troop Mod (Troop Transport) -> Shock Troops (S +%15)
Tidal Disruption (S +15%)
Planetary Defense (S +%10) -> Adv. Planetary Defense (S +%10)
Impulse Drive II -> Warp Drive (Speed +1)
Advanced Hulls
Stole: Shields
Medium Scale Building(Ship: Star Eagle) -> Superior Hulls -> Stole: Large Scale Building(Ship: Star Hawk)
Stole: Advanced Miniturization (+15%, Ships: Star Hawk II, Constructor S1-T, Space Miner S1-T and S2-S)
Manufacturing Centers (PI: Manufacturing Center,
Economic Starbase Module: Intersellar Collectors [MP/SP/RP +4%],
Mining Starbase Modules: Extraction Center +5%, Extraction Complex +5%)
Enhanced Logistics (+6 now 15)
Expert Miniturization (+15%, Ships: Star Hawk III, Troop Transport S4B3)
Fertility Acceleration (PG +10%, PI: Fertility Clinic)
Stole: Fusion Power Plants (PI: Fusion Power Plant)
Stole: Space Mining II
Stole: Phasors IV
Stole: Anti-Matter Power Plants (PI: Anti-Matter Power Plant)
Advanced Logistics (+9 now 24)
Heavy Gravity Colonization -> Advanced Heavy Gravity Colonization
Ultimate Miniturization (+20%)
Warp Drive II (Ships: Star Hawk IV)
Master Hull Building (HP +15%)