How would I stop Fences from auto checking for updates? There is no entry in Windows Task Scheduler and when I try the downloaded updatecheck application as soon as I click D for disable the window closes but doesnt disable it. sad that Stardock doesnt offer support for customers who have paid for their products.
Moved to Fences area
Please refer to this guide to disable update check on Fences:
Basj,Stardock Community Assistant.
I did note in my post that I had already downloaded the updatecheck batch file (following your guide) which simply did not work. I use version, I checked for updates last week and I'm still getting the popup. Kind of annoying when I'm in the middle of business meeting etc.
That is strange, please post the update check popup so we understand which popup appear in your system, every reboot? yes?
Thank you,
Basj,Stardock Community Assistant
Hi, this is the popup. This occurs both randomly & every time the pc restarts or if Windows Explorer is restarted. I have the latest version installed so there is nothing to update, I have V3.1.6.1. When I check it shows that software is up to date.
Please try purge and reinstall steps as mention here : [Link]. Just make sure to redownload the latest version from your account page. Reboot after the purge. Reinstall and reboot again after the installation. Retest and report back here.
Thank you,Basj,Stardock Community Assistant.
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