In astronomy, economy and science in general, everything is measured so that one can have an idea of what the other is talking about/showing/seeing. As an optional feature, the game could invent units of measurement. In numbers there are well and not so well known units such as: Billions, trillions, quattuordecillions and so on. In weight there are miligrams, tonnes, kilotonnes, megatonnes, petatonnes for example. There are other interesting units of measurement, such as: terabytes, terawatts, parsecs, light years, etc.
If collected something in large enough numbers, you could even play between them, expressing one and the same number in different measurement. For example, if you have 8300bn (billion) credits, if you wish, you can express them on your screen in different ways and different colours – as an actual number which is 8 300 000 000 000 or express that in trillions which is just 8.3
What it adds to the game:
New level of seriousness arises because now these are megatonnes, light years and zetawatts, not just tiny spheres and centimetres on computer screen. It helps to the imagination knowing that ships on the map are travelling billions of kilometres and not centimetres - just because the player „can understand” the measured distance that is given. This adds to the feeling that the GalCiv portraited reality is or could be physical, actual - because there is difference between numbers (that express reality as we know it) and no numbers, just colorful picture on the screen that is virtual. It is not necessary that these numbers correspond with actual life, actual proportions by comparison, much more important is that measurement is given at all.
It gives desire to „collect” the universe because of two reasons 1) just to see how huge it is, expressed in numbers 2) you can „own” the universe now as if put in bank account as soon as measured in numbers that show how much/what you own.