Asus MB, AMD 1090T, NVIDIA 460, 16BG ram, Win7 x64
Not using large fonts. This is the whole SC window. Cant resize it
Is this a new/recent installation? Have you tried reinstalling it?
You say you are not using a large font but that sure looks like the problem that happens when a dpi higher than 96 is being used. I would try reinstalling as suggested.
If it's not medium or large fonts my guess is it's probably the NVidia drivers
96 DPI
New SC install
Re-installing didn't help
Need some help
Just installed on one of my other pc's and still the same wtf?
Intel quad core, radeon 4870, 96 dpi
No one else has this problem?
I'm running Windows 7 64 bit, 96 dpi and not having this problem.
Probably should send an email to
R ya sure about the fonts, you're typing in huge fonts here..
Go to: Control Panel - Appearance and Personalization - Display - Make text and other items larger or smaller
What it the setting set too : smaller (100%) {normal/default setting} or any of the others medium or larger?
Change it to smaller and log off windows and back on again.
Try SDC again
I figured it out. It was caused by window manager.
I can't stand windows 7 without that program.
Just needed uncheck resize for SC in the rules.
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