Objective: To make elemental more exciting by adding one new adjustment to diplomacy relation options during peacetime.
Reason: Relations between nations in most 4x games basically boils down to big surges of war and peace, but what if we had something in between during peacetime to make the game more exciting? Micro conflicts between states within set restrictions will reduce early and late game tedium. As a side effect it will also add to the dangerous wild wilderness frontier wasteland setting that Elemental is trying to impart for the customer.
Proposal: Nations without an officially formal peace treaty but are in a cease fire will not enter into territory claimed by another unless a state of war is declared. However, military actions can ensue outside of a nations borders. In other words, evil players may choose to behave like barbarians and attack other nation's units on the outer frontier outside of towns and cities without a formal declaration of war. Such activity may not benefit diplomatic relations if word returned home.
Edit: Attacking a sovereign, heir, or champion could be off limits except in a state of war.
Wrap Up: So basically, outside your kingdom's borders it's almost like the Wild West out there until society advances enough to be passed off as civilized. Now choosing whether or not to sign those peace treaties is even more important.
So Go forth Sovereign and Tame the Land By Your New Order!
*Inspired by StarTrek Next Generation's Rombulan neutral zone and Deep Space Nine's Cardassian demilitarized zone.