I'm a Games Designer and I must admit, at first I really loved sins but I've put it down because it's not very balanced. Actually, I kind of miss Imperium Galatica 2 and have been looking for a game just like it for a long time. I thought this might be it but my main problem is the usefulness of carriers.
They are seriously powerful kiting tools and it just seems to me like little can stop them.
Now, I know it's not very realistic, but I think a good fix for this problem gameplay wise is that when a carrier loses a squad, the host ship loses a set amount of HP (maybe 100 or so). Just wondering how we could translate this fix into something that makes sense gameplay and story wise.
The key problem is that you can't damage the carriers, they just speed away and kite you to death. Slowing them or stopping them doesn't help, they can just "wave-bomb" you and leave, then repeat. If losing their fighters (because of flak abuse or similar) damaged them, they'd die eventually as long as you can keep up your anti-fighter/bomber screen.
Well, just something to think about. Could always say you use spare hull for replacing the fleet... hmm... who knows .
(Btw, IG2 did it by making fighters/bombers expensive business , not a great fix but it'd work too).