30 years ago, first episode of Star Trek: Voyager was released. Because of that, I have some things for you:
30 years of Voyager
The perspective of Kes
I was in many places. Were part of many crews. But I never felt at home more than aboard the USS Voyager. Not even on my homeworld. There, I always wanted to leave. On Voyager, I always wanted to stay. Maybe a part of it is that, on Voyager, I could be at home while still exploring the unknown. But, more important than the ship itself and its journey was, and is, the crew.
We were, and are, like a family. Yes, a family, but one that no one should try to fit into a traditional family model. It doesn't work with the Voyager crew, as it doesn't not work with most of the crews.
We had something like a mother figure and a father figure. Our mother was captain Kathryn Janeway. She was always willing to put herself in danger for us, and was always angry when we were in danger… Like that time when these huge germs invaded Voyager. She also reprimanded us when we did something wrong. She was raining us, helping us grow and become better than we were. And our father was Chakotay. He was loyal to Janeway, but was willing to criticize her if he thought something she was doing was wrong. Janeway and Chakotay weren't in any kind of a relationship, but I know some feelings were there… I sensed it. Which is why I find some development just before Voyager returned home (long after I already left) ridiculous. Fortunately, it didn't last for long.
But, despite us all being Janeway's children, we weren't siblings, that I can clearly state. There were a lot of attractions, romantic or otherwise, among us. Even if only a few turned out into anything. First, there was me and Neelix… Then me and Tom. We had a mutual interest that went nowhere because I was with Neelix first, and then he turned to B’Elanna… And then I was forced to leave the ship. There were also interests among the crew… I know Harry tried to get involved with a few women, but it always failed for some reason… Also, I heard that, after I left, he had some interest in the one who replaced me, Seven of Nine. I heard there were some miscommunication there and it resulted in nothing while Voyager was still in the Delta Quadrant… They eventually become a couple later on.
So, we will Janeway's children, but not siblings. Nobody ever questioned that. And it was the greatest time in my life. When I came back, the crew wasn't whole, but I am still in touch with the most of it, and I see some of them every day… Especially Tom and B’Elanna, who allowed me to live with them. When I am not traveling and exploring on my own, that is. I will never forget my time on the Voyager. No matter how long I will live, with my enhanced lifetime.
Story: A new life
Date: Set between Favorite Son and Before and After
After the entire thing with Harry Kim being believed to be an alien, almost killed by these aliens and barely rescued, the Voyager crew was in need of some shore leave. Most of them agreed to that idea easily, but B’Elanna wanted to stay to oversee the repair and the Doctor had to give her a medical order.
Voyager entered orbit around a planet that had a good, mild climate, but no civilization on it. The entire crew was divided between shore leave shifts, and each shift had a few parties that went to the planet. Tom, Kes, Harry and B’Elanna were all in one party.
They assembled in the transporter room two. Tom and Kes came in first and Tom realized Kes looked somewhat… different. Her hair was longer.
-You changed your hair, Kes? - Tom said.
-Yes - Kes said. - I want to look different now… Since I changed a lot since I came aboard Voyager. I have more experience…
-It certainly looks well - Tom said.
-Thanks, Tom, but I don't think B’Elanna would be happy… - Kes said.
-Relax, Kes - Tom said. - I don't want to hurt anyone… I won't do anything more.
A moment later, Harry and B’Elanna entered the transporter room. The entire party then beamed to the planet.
They materialized on a plain in some mountains. The weather and climate was nice. Kes fakt the life around her. It felt so good to be on a planet, a planet with life everywhere.
The four of them sat down and talked a while, while eating some of the food they took with them.
After some time, Kes stood up.
-I want to go explore here a bit - she said. - I think I felt something interesting…
-I’II go with you - Tom said. - I don't think anyone should be going alone. Even if everything seems all right.
-Go ahead - B’Elanna said. - Me and Harry will be fine.
Tom then stood up and he and Kes began walking away.
-Where are we going, Kes? - Tom said.
-I can't explain it, Tom - Kes said. - But I am homing in on something…
-Fine for me - Tom said.
Soon, they approached an entrance to a cave.
-I feel something inside… - Kes said.
-Let's go in, then - Tom said. They both entered the cave. It turned out to be deeper than they expected.
-Where is it, Kes? - Tom said after some time. - I didn't come here to cave - dwelling, you know.
-Wait… - Kes said and drew her tricorder. She and B’Elanna both took one with them.
At this moment, the entire cave shook and the entrance to it collapsed.
-This is going to be a problem - Tom said and pressed his commbadge. He only heard static. Kes also pressed her commbadge and also received static.
-It looks like we're stuck here - Kes said. - Might as well take a look around. There is some life here…
-Can't you move the rocks with your mind? - Tom said.
-I am not trained well enough to do that - Kes said. - Let's go.
And she activated her tricorder’s light.
Harry and B‘Elanna heard the cave-in and quickly rushed there.
-Torres to Voyager, we have an emergency here - she said to her commbadge. - Tom and Kes are in a cave and the entrance collapsed. Can you beam them off?
-Negative - they received an answer. - The cave is interfering with the transporters.
-Figures - B’Elanna said. - All right, get whatever engineers you can get here. And some equipment. We have to remove this cave - in.
-Yes, lieutenant - they received a response.
Meanwhile, Kes and Tom moved deeper into the cave. Suddenly, Kes stopped.
-They are around us - Kes said. - The life.
-What? - Tom said. - All I see are plants. Cave planets.
-They are moving - Kes said. - They are not typical planets.
At this moment, they heard a voice.
-What are you doing here, trespassers? - it said.
-Who are you? - Tom said.
-These who live on this planet - said the voice. - Why are you here?
-We thought this planet was not inhabited - Kes said. - And we needed to relax, so we decided to come to this planet. But I sensed something and came here.cIf you want, we’ll leave… If we get managed out of this cave.
-You sensed us? - the voice said. - How?
-I have a connection to all life - Kes said.
-Let ud see it - the voice said and they both now see that the plants were moving. - Let us touch you, and feel it…
And the plants surrounded Kes, embracing her on their vines.
-Let's! - Tom shouted and rushed toward her.
-Stay where you are, Tom - Kes said. - I am all right.
And she closed her eyes to focus better.
-I can read their thoughts - Kes said. - They are alien, but peaceful. It's so strange, Tom…
A moment later, the vines withdrew from Kes.
-You are telling the truth, and you are not aggressive - the voice said. - You may stay on the planet, but do not enter the caves again.
-But we are trapped here! - Tom said.
-Your comrades are already going through - the voice said. - Go to the entrance.
-All right, Tom, come - Kes said.
They both walked back to the entrance. They were just approaching it when lighentered through a hole made. A moment later, B’Elanna emerged from the hole.
-Tom? Kes? Are you all right? - she said.
-Yes, we are all right - Kes said.
-It's so good to see you again, lieutenant - Tom said.
-We must get out of here - Kes said. - Out of the cave. There's so much to explain.
They exited the cave and Tom and Kes saw the equipment and the engineers.
-I see you really wanted to get to us - Tom said to B’Elanna.
-We're just doing our job - B’Elanna said.
-Sure… - Tom said.
-What is that you have to explain? - Harry, who was nearby, said.
Kes then told them about the new life they found in the cave.
-I think the captain should hear od it right away - Harry said.
-Yes - Kes said and pressed her commbadge. - Kes to the captain. I have an important thing to report…
The rest of the shore leave went in peace. Then, the Voyager crew returned to their ship and left the planet behind, resuming their course home.