When purchasing software from Stardock. Usually, the number on the end indicates what operating system you are buying for.
Software is always meant to only last as long as the operating system does and a new version will need to be purchased for a newly released OS.
I.E start 8 was the first start program but instead of being called start 1 it is called start 8. This means it is start for Windows 8.
Same thing with Windowblinds. Windowblinds 10 is for Windows 10. Windowblinds 11 is for Windows 11. And to run Windowblinds on Windows 12 you will need to purchase Windowblinds 12 in the future.
The rule remains the same for other programs such as fences that go by a different numbering system. Although they still get the traditional 1, 2, 3, or 4 version number they usually last as long as an OS lasts until a new version needs to be purchased