Not only do many of the popups lack the contextual information to make an informed decision, but some of the popups make no sense at all. For example, the screen snapshot below shows the description of the Colonial Supplies Executive Order. It says that it will cost 30 Control and the decay of each of our colonies will increase by 50% which I believe means that if a colony currently has a decay rate of 30% it will become 45%. But what do we get in exchange for this? The text says "a large shipment of supplies to our colonies", but what does that mean? How can a player determine whether this is a good deal for them?
Whoever is managing the development of this product needs to assign a team of 2 or 3 people (I do not believe a single person working on their own will do a sufficient job) to review every popup requiring a decision or providing information for a decision to ensure that:
- the player can see the information needed to make an informed decision
- the description of what the decision options are is clear (what do I get and what does it cost me)
I wholeheartedly agree with JeremyG that asking players to make decisions when they cannot understand what the tradeoffs are and what their current situation is seriously detracts from the enjoyment of the game.