Recently gotten the game from humble bundle and wanted to try it out in a PvAI private match.
I hosted the game, invited the friend, he joined the lobby fine and we let the match countdown take us into the match.
As the match starts, I am faced with my base and engineer and I can see my friends base the same.
My friend however only sees the map entirely covered in fog of war and he'd be unable to leave the match.
He then has to use WinTaskMng to forcefully end the game and restart.
We individually tested singleplayer skirmish and the game works fine for either. This I think rules out graphics card / driver as the issue, (which seems to be just about the go to answer to any problem around here...)
My personal suspicion is that the problem is network related, something to do with syncing our games at match start, because that's what happened before in other RTS games, but as the game uses Steam for hosting and I don't know how AoS:Escalation exactly handles this I don't know how to further proceed with confirming this.
My rig is running a Tomahawk MAX mobo, AMD 3600 CPU, GTX1080 and 16 GB Corsair RAM @ 3200 MHz, game install on M.2.
Friend's rig is Asus Z170-A, Intel i5-6500, RX580 8GB and 16 GB of Ripjaws.
This is what my friend sees when the match starts, his base is in that middle right plateau.