I apply the dream Constellation by Patrick Mathews on Mon 2.
I cannot seem to find this dream anywhere. Is it a purely video dream or a dynamic dream?
I am having problems with multimonitor use under windows 10. In my case, the selection of anything except the far leftmost monitor as primary causes Dynamic dreams (e.g. PhotoDream) to fail and/or render Deskscapes problematic to startup, etc.
For now, I've just been running 3 video dreams on 3 30" monitors to get around the bug(s).
Note that my first test with ColorPop shows that it more than doubled the CPU use of DShost compared to videos like Dream Machine, Utopia Prime, and Goodnight Earth, which are all MPEG2 or MPEG4 codec videos. I can't tell from the Color Pop link what codec it is encoded in, but I suspect that I'm not getting hardware/GPU accelerated decoding with Color Pop.
Do you have the same problem if you use one of these other dreams on your system?
Two of them cost money to own (well worth it IMHO), but Dream Machine is a free one https://www.wincustomize.com/explore/dream/1809/
I hope this helps.