So I've been using objectdock free as a mean to have my preferred games right under my hand. Steam is nice & all, but I'm not fond of opening the whole interface just to click on a shortcut of a game.
So what I do is create shortcuts on the desktop from steam (which I then move to a subfolder). Afterward I will drag & drop the shortcut from the folder to the dock created by objectdock and BAM I get the wrong icon (always a blue & green world globe) which then forces me to edit the icon by hand & go locate it in steam folder. This is all the more frustrating as the original windows shortcuts have the proper icon, but objectdock doesn't keep them (it assigns the default URL icon or something I think).
If this was changed, objectdock would be a dream come true.
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for creating that app even if it's not perfect for my usage.