I don't know why my version of FE (1.12/1.19Frog + mods) now allows me and the AI players to build a new city at a range of 4 tiles or more from another one. I think it was 6 tiles when I started to play FE. Is it the 1.12 patch ? Or the Ecomental mod ? I don't know but, well, I don't really care.
What I want to know is : how to set it at 6 tiles as it was previously ? Or, at least, 5 tiles ? I've carefully examined Ecomental files and the core files too, and I couldn't figure out what's the setting.
Any suggestion welcome, direct answer will give you karma (as a last resort, because I cannot deliver a well deserved
in the USA).
I've modified / corrected the mods i'm using, I guess then that you can explain it to me with very few words : I should be able to understand (give me code : that's the only non-french language that I really understand !).