It's 66% off on Steam now. I got it when it was 50% off and I've played a few games. The 3rd "free expansion" came out a few days ago and added some minor content. I am having fun with the game, but I actually bought it for what I hope it will become in the future. It has a long way to go to get to the level of GalCiv2. Granted, Amplitude is probably a smaller company than Stardock, and GalCiv2 reached its superb state 4 years after release.
I feel the game needs to get you more connected with your faction, perhaps more unique techs and unique ships. It also needs the obvious features like espionage, sabotage etc. and more variety in ships, perhaps some fighters/bombers, or more specialized ships. It also needs invasions. Invasions as they are now, are just a slider. GalCiv2 had that great cutscene with the awesome music making you feel how awesome you are for even trying to invade a planet. It just needs more immersion.
What do you guys think?
EDIT: Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it!