Orion's what do you like thread got me thinking about this. I like that the monsters have weaknesses that can be exploited now. A crafty player can design his stack to take on specific threats. One game as Gilden I noticed that earth elementals and there associated monsters are weak to blunt damage. Because of that I was able to use Gilden's hammers to wipe out a stack that would have been to tough for me, with another faction, that early in the game. Nice one Kael.
The thing is this weakness to blunt was buried deep in the monster info. For people who have only been playing the beta casually, or who aren't OCD about reading descriptions like I am, this information is probably something they won't notice.
I know the UI is one of the last things to be improved in a game and that changes to the UI are something Brad has said are still to come. Does anyone else have UI improvements they would like to see?