I have seen a few others mention this in the forums but didn't see a thread for it. Twice my game has refused to continue to the next turn. Not to say the game locked up, in fact I could do most things including saving the game. The game just wouldn't "complete" the turn when I hit the turn button. Saving the game and reloading seems to fix the problem.
The first time (I think) it was caused by two monster stacks attacking the same city on the same turn.
The second time, and I am sure about this one, one of my units was traveling accross my kingdom which had grown fairly large in the latter part of the game. To be clear I wasn't in control of this unit, I had given it a destination and let it get itself there over multiple turns. The path the unit took traveled along a road and then off the road into a monster lair. The lair was in the fog of war so the monster wasn't visible but I know it was there from past turns. Basically what I think happened was I hit the turn button, my unit moved along a road which let it move farther than it could see and tried to move through a monster lair without attacking (to be clear the fog of war was still covering the monster lair even though my unit was right next to it, and my unit still had movement points left and its path indicated that it was going through the lair). I hope that makes sense.
Sorry I don't have any saved games to share.
Other than that great job, I haven't had any crashes with the newest patch and I am enjoying the kingdom/empire differentiation.