This exact problem is being experienced by many people. IF you Google fences restart at least 10 threads about same issue on this forum and others. No one I can find has reported a solution that works.
Fences worked fine on XP but when I went to Win 7 64bit last summer the problem started. This is the first thread I've seen with it on Vista but may be 64 bit related.
HOLD IT.. drum roll - I may have cured it. If it will stick .. will have to see if holds after reboot
I changed my performance & appearance settings to "Best performance" and then back to "Best Appearance". Seems to easy
The above suggested and cured by someone using fences at
If that doesn't hold here is what else I wrote before finding the above cure.. that seems so far to work:
Some folks have posted chips, running programs etc and nothing is common. I have 6mb RAM only 40% used, have tried changing the performance settings and others have tried running almost bare with little in start up but no solution.
I am having a similar problem although not quite the same when I tried and gave up a desktop replacement Talisman - it locks up awhile but may hide the "explorer is restarting" I get with fences.
The I think founder/tech support guru says they have another report of it besides me but didn't hear back if solution worked. He thought their problem had to do with not being able to write to the ini file and suggested run with Administration rights. I tried that on both fences and Tailsman but without it solving.
Turning off antivirurs (ESOT NOD 32 and Malewarebytes) does not solve.
I recently switched so a solid state drive for operating system and programs (WOW very fast) but fences has problem on old HD and same on SSD.