Well, I just like to admire how beautiful and succesful of a game Sins of a Solar Empire is. So many memories to go with it, so many emotions, and the pure incredible "this is it!" feeling you get when you play it.
I remember when I was first introduced to Sins, My Stepbrother burst into his room, where I was waiting for him to get home from school and said to me in a very excited tone "Put this disc in your computer and download it!" I looked at him confused but I could tell something great was going to come of it. I downloaded the game and questioned him on it a bit. He told me it didn't require a disc (which I love, thanks for that!) and he told me the basics of the game.
The download had finished, we launched the game together and the extraordinarily conducted music played in our ears creating such an aura that pulled us into the game even further. We launched a game with myself as the TEC and he as the Advent, and as the loading screen vanished and looked at the vast options available to me and took a deep breath, I was ready to enjoy this to its fullest.
Over time we played many games, on teams, against each other, against computers, and man... It was a great time. So many things just link me back to this feeling I get of playing Sins. I remember we used to eat Cheerios (without milk) and fruit bites as we played, and that taste just resonates within me when I look back on it. So utterly fantastic, just hours upon hours of conquering the ever-expanding space together.
So many things just echoed within us as we played the game, and each made the experience more special. The feeling of being the leader of a great civilization desperate for survival, the fantastic gameplay which is very simple to even those with little experience, the music that gives you such a feeling of greatness, the imagination of roleplaying within the game "This is the Elarchan Empire, ships are sending your way, however a plasma storm has cut us off from our main fleet and we have been ambushed by a large Advent fleet which is attempting to shut us down at our source." Just such great feelings of satisfaction and perfection.
I thank you all, for making this experience so heartwarming and stunning. This game truly is a great one.