Hey guys, one thing before we start, please keep it civil
I know many of you heard of such debates where one side gave his word on Socialism
while the other side gave the word for Capitalism, so this is a place to share your oppinion.
and sorry for any mistakes, as English is far not my main language
Anyways, 3 days ago we had 1st May Day, the day of the workers
I wont say where i am from, but i can say that i am from a democratic capitalistic country
and there were a whole lot of people comming out with red flags waving and shouting for socialism.
I know many people in here are from USA, and USA education have a tendancy to teach the youth
that socialism is in fact evil with no human rights or whatever...
Sure both sides got thair ups and downs, but when it comes to "rights" socialism is just as
good as capitalism, just in a different way. So please avoid throwing in false facts.
Soon im planning on traveling to Cuba for like 5+ months, to live in there
to see how its like, to meet new people, to talk to them, to reserch about their life
i mean, one thing is what newspapers tell us, another thing is to interview true socialists.
Both my parents are socialists by the way, and with time i find more and more interest in socialism myself.
Mainly due the capitalist hostile world i see all around me, with the huge corporations that inslave workers
and how my parents are scared as hell to loose thair job, and are rdy to do anything to keep it.
Now i never was rich, in fact im more like middle class, but even today i see how my parents
fighting to survive, just so that we wont loose our house, just like many americans did.
many blame the crisis but its a different topic, lets stay on this one.
i spent some time today reserching the unknown world of socialism
i say unknown because i find it difficult to trust media, yet its the only tool i have
threw which i can see the world around me, so i read international news, same news from diffrent
points of view, and i found this page:
sure some may say its propoganda, others will shout blinldy against socialism
but i beliave that when people vote, they show the truth, and when i see 9 million cubans
that is out of 11 million cubans (remember there are undaraged childer who cant vote)
when i see so many vote for socialism, i must admit, there must be a reason for it.
some may say they vote so out of fear, yet if they were scared then they would of avoid voting at all.
I must admit, i think its better to live in a country where i dont have to be scared like shit to end up on the street
just because my boss dont like my haircut, so he throw me out, i loose my home, and with it everything ales...
I also admit that i prefare free health care, so that i know that when the time comes and i will end up with some
really nasty crap going on with me, i can trust my goverment to take care of me without it checking my insurace first.
and in case i dont have it, to kick me out of the same door i came in, and to forget about me.
And i must admit, that equality starts with education, and when education is totaly free
i know that i dont have to have rich father so that ill be able to register to Harward-like univercity.
Do i prefare to surcifice all the things above just so that ill have a sport car with LCD screens and 3 houses
and a super computer? no, i prefare to live a simple life, where i can date a girl without worreing that
i dont have a BMW to show her, or without worreing that i cant take her to some expancive restoraunt.
a simple life where brands are not the focus of my life and my money, where all people are equal, even if somewhat poor!
Thats me, please guys dont attack me because of my views on things, i went threw a lot in my life
and i can trully say that i dont like capitalism at all.
Open your mind, and share