As the title says, I've just completed the first two missons of the campaign. Intial throughts is WOW this game rocks. Congrats Stardock on once again creating such an enjoyable game.
Whilst I think of it, Mission two took me a bit to figure out how to complete it. I can sum up beating mission two in one word. "Fleets" Until I learnt how to build and use fleets the Drengin were wiping the floor with me.
Whilst I think of it, there's feature that I wouldn't mind seeing in an update to the game. When you are researching the Tech trees, some times a tech will give you a ship name and next to the name of the ship is the number of additional techs that have to be researched to be able to build that ship. It would be nice if the player could click on the ship name and receive the names of the techs required to build that ship, instead of jumping around the tech tree in the vain hope of trying to find the additional techs needed to build the ship.