Installing mini mods for Interregnum (6 mini mods plus e4x and Interregnum), but I'm not sure which order to put the mini mods in... lol
Should INT mini mods go about E4X mods?
Currently have as follows:
TXT2 SinsArchiveVersion 194 Version 0 enabledModNameCount 8 enabledModName "Star Wars Interregnum Alpha 3.4" enabledModName "Enhanced 4X Mod 1.85" enabledModName "INT All E4X Random Encounters" enabledModName "INT Faster Combat" enabledModName "INT Lend-Lease Capitals" enabledModName "E4X Doubled Fleet Supply and Capital Ships" enabledModName "E4X Expanded Research" enabledModName "E4X Max Starbase Upgrades"
Is the mod order off? Could I have something else wrong? It's possible I missed something in the articles on moddb that explains the mod order, so I'll recheck, but any help is appreciated.