Turns 63-82
Turn 63: "Constuction"->"Mounted warfare". Tenfell: earth altar->fire altar.
Alisa is attacked by an army of ignys, gets "Apprentice swordsman", and loots an ice mace. Right after she got better with cutting weapons. Ah well.
Procipinee kills a banished ogre.
I notice that the Kraxis scouts are gone. The bears must have eaten them. I also notice that the Great Mill is unavailable. Someone must have started building it.
Turn 64: Raven's heart: warg den -> mason. Blackstead: workshop->mason. My dominion wakes up an air elemental's army. Alisa heads to intercept, and I have enough mana to Freeze it if necessary. Except I do not have Water II. Damn, I am slipping.
Procipinee find a wellspring scroll in the ogre's lair.
Hagudst rushes the town hall, and starts a scrying pool.
Turn 65: "Mounted combat"->"Education". New Pariden: inn->earth altar. Tenfeel: fire altar->apiary.
Alisa loots a library. And now we have a problem. The Air elemental seems to be headed straight for Raven's Heart. Alisa will not be able to catch it, and I have neither Freeze nor Tremor, which is a big screw up. I use a arcane monument to place Alisa in friendly dominion, so that she can buy a horse, so that she can catch the Ait Elemental. This is a big expense that I could have done without.
Turn 66: Alisa catches the the air elemental's army at the edge of Raven's heart, and makes short work of it.
Leadanna find a cluster of fertile tiles but there is too much swampland for a city to grow there.
Turn 67: "Education"->"Craftsmanship". Blackstead finishes the mason. I erect an arcane monolith to link Hagudst to my dominion, and start making it higher in Blackstead. I rush the scrying pool in Hagudst, and start a cleric.
Leadanna gets attacked by bandits, and has to use her scroll of fireball to survive. She then kills some more bandits.
Alisa loots a pair of naja skin gauntlets.
Turn 68: New Pariden: earth altar->mason. Tenfell: apiary->mason. Raven's Heart: mason->school.
Procipinee kills a crag spawn.
Leadanna loots a round shield. Too bad she has no one-handed weapons.
The pioneers settle New Serane on a 3/2/3 tile. I cast "Enchanted Hammers", "Inspiration", "Meditation", and start working on a monument.
Turn 69: Raven's heart grows into a town.
Procipinee and Alisa join and attack the wildling's camp for the kidnappers quest. The warg dies, and I decide that there's no point in summoning another. Procipinee gains "Knowledge", and Alisa gets "Skilled Swordsman". No pioneers are awaraded, though. Also, the army loses all its remaining move, which leaves us next to a skath army. Not good.
Turn 70: The skaths do not attack. Blackstead finishes upgrading the outpost, and Hagudst is linked to the dominion. Blackstead starts building a study.
Procipinee and Alisa sell their loot, and get enough to buy a horse for the queen. I now have a mage/fighter/beast stack, and will cleanse the homelands of anything short of a BB (big beasty).
Turn 71: The Yithril champion Dosia attempts to lead an army of pioneers across my lands, headed straight for the fertile tile in my backyard. I kick them out. I wonder whether I should let them cross to see whether they are exploring, or cheating by knowing where everything is.
Procipinee's stack kills a crag spawn's army. My skath nearly dies. I guess it is finally becoming obsolete. Alisa is far tougher at this point. In any case, Procipinee gets "Potential II" and loots a burning battleaxe from the lair.
The stack continues on the "Kitty" quest. I manage to get Procipinee knocked out in the fight. I guess one of the bandits was tougher than he looked. Kitty is a pretty nice addition to the stack.
I rush the monument in New Serane, and start a bell tower. I rush the cleric in Hagudst, and start developing a wild horse stable.
What the hell. The Great Mill is all of a sudden available. The only way I can see this happening is if someone razed the city in which it was being built. I wonder what is going on in the world. In any case, I start building the Great Mill in Raven's Heart.
Turn 72: Tenfell: mason->well. I rush the stables in Hagudst, and start working on a workshop.
Leadanna loots a scroll of oratory, and uses it immediately.
Turn 73: Contact with Gilden. New Pariden: mason -> grocer. Raven's Heart: school->grocer. Blackstead: study->school.
Leadanna clears some rats for a quest, then erects some arcane monoliths to keep Gilden's pioneers away. A number of resources are queued for Tenfell.
Turn 74: Gilden and Yithril keep sending pioneers into my lands, and I keep chasing them out.
An unberdroth wakes up and heads straight towards Raven's Heart. Procipinee's army has to head back.
Turn 75: Blackstead becomes a conclave. Tenfell:well->iron mine. I rush a stable upgrade in New Serrane, and continue work on the bell tower.
For three turns, the Gilden pioneers have been in range of a troll without being attacked. As Leadanna keeps exploring, it becomes apparent that they must have spent at least three turns in range of a great wolf's army. Leadanna will turn back, because there's no way she's taking that risk.
The umberdroth army is at the edge of Raven's heart. I'm not sure Procipinee can handle them, so I have her enter the city for the added militia troops.
Turn 76: Tenfell: iron mine->fire altar. I rush the bell tower in New Serrane.
The umberdroth does not attack Raven's heart, but heads toward Blackstead. I send Procipinee and her army out of town, towards the umberdroth vacated lair.
Turn 77: "Construction"->"Cooperation". Raven's Heart: grocer->mill. Hagudst: workshop->mason.
Procipinee loots a scinan broadsword, and gives it to Alisa.
Turn 78: Blackstead: school->earth altar. New Pariden: grocer->festival. Tenfell: fire altar->earth altar.
Leadanna completes the rat catcher quest, pockets 100 Gildar and becomes a governor. She heads back to the homelands, erecting arcane monoliths along the way.
The umberdroth moves towards Procipinee. Procipinee tries to lead it away from Raven's Heart.
Turn 79: The umberdroth heads towards Raven's Heart. Procipinee enters the city. I switch the production from the mill to the pier, because of Procipinee's terrible effect on building times. She added two seasons to the mill's completion.
Turn 80: Tenfell: earth altar->monument. Blackstead: earth altar->sage. New Serrane: clay quarry->workshop.
The umberdroth does not attack but stays next to the city, so Procipinee can't leave. This is getting annoying. I am pretty sure she can take the army, but it's not a sure thing, and if she fails, it will wipe out multiple cities.
Turn 81: Raven's heart: pier->well.
Turn 82: "Cooperation"->"Economics". Tenfell: monument->monument. Hagudst: mason->mill. A silt skath army wakes up and heads straight to Tenfell. At this point, both the umberdroth and the skaths are one move away from destroying one of my cities. Clearly, it's time for urgent measures.
I start building a heavy cavalry unit in Raven's Heart. I trade all of my research to Yithril, for cash. I rush the cavalry, add it to Procipinee's stack, and attack skaths, then the umberdroth's army. Procipinee becomes an "Air Mage", and Alisa a "Earth Disciple". The cavalry goes to level 3.
I think this is a good time to pause, and make some comments.