Turns 38-62
Turn 38: Procipinee takes out some Resoln pioneers.
Turn 39: Tenfell: study -> life altar. Procipinee and Alisa keep looking for Resoln's homelands.
Leadanna head back to New Pariden.
Turn 40: Procipinee starts on the Path of Wind and Woe. She has no intention of actually doing anything about it for a long, long time, of course.
New Pariden rushes the garden, as not for waste growth, and starts a study.
Turn 41: "Training" -> "Weaponry". Raven's heart: scrying pool -> study.
Procipinee finds an emeral cap, and spots Ceresa's army, right next to an obsidian golem that could eat it for breakfast.
Turn 42: Tenfell: life altar -> cleric. Ceresa retreats before Alisa's army. Alisa pursues, but does not dare to go near the golem, so she ha to take a wide detout through some hills. Better safe than sorry.
Turn 43: A Shadow warg of Ceresa's approaches Procipinee, so she summons a warg of her own.
Turn 44: Ceresa brings her army and links up with the warg and some militia. This is probably all she has. Procipinee retreats, Alisa advances. The two heroines trade items.
Leadanna goes off exploring Northwest of Tenfell, looking for Yithril's holdings. She notices that
Verga is building troops.
Turn 45: Ceresa seems to have two shadow wargs. Strange. In any case, one is leading an army right by an obsidian golem and a slag, while the other is with Ceresa. Procipinee and Alisa link up, and approach Ceresa's army. By doing so, they notice the Resoln border. This war may be brough to a swift end.
Turn 46: Blackstead: bell tower->town hall. Ceresa does not attack. Procipinee does.
The two wargs engage in the middle of the battlefield. Procipinee hastes the skath. The skath one-shots Ceresa. Ceresa's panca archers one-shot Procipinee's warg. The golem engaged Ceresa's warg. The Resoln champion Skuzu berserks. The skath engages the archers. Procipinee hastes Alisa. The archers shoot at the golem. The golem kills the warg. Procipinee cast "Slow" at the archers, it doesn't stick. The skath keeps missing the archers. Alisa goes around Skuzu and attacks the archers with more luck than the skath. The archers get the golem down to 2hps. Alisa kills the archers, and Skuzu is no match for her and the skath.
I realize that I have missed when Raven's Heart completed the scrying pool. I belatedly cast"Enchanted hammers" on it. Ah, well. In any case, it's now working on a study. I must have queued two buildings, and missed the notification.
Turn 47: Tenfell: cleric->pier. New Pariden: study->well.
The second Resoln army makes it way past the obsidian golem and the slag towards Blackstead. Procipinee folows, but has to go around the monsters. No worries, if she can't catch up, there's always "Freeze".
Alisa presses toward the Resoln dominion.
Turn 48: A Resoln young burning wraith is chasing Procipinee. She summons another shadow warg.
Leadanna find a nice spot with four resources, but "Arcane monolith" costs too much, and I may need the mana to guard Blackstead. I insert a pioneer in front of the pier in Tenfell's queue.
Turn 49: Raven's Heart: study->monument.
Turn 50: "Weaponry"->"Mining" The Resoln army led by the shadow warg is approaching Blackstead. Procipinee's warg goes ahead, the queen will have to take her chances against the wraith. She equips a battleaxe, to minimise the damage from the wraith's fireshield (The fewer hits that she needs to kill it, the fewer times she'll get burned)
Actually, Alisa is in range of Hagdust, so Procipinee and warg just turn around and kill the wraith. Procipinee chooses the Path of the Mage.
We ask Ceresa to surrender, she refuses, and Alisa attacks.
There is an assassin demon defending the city. I should have checked for this. In any case, the skath chomps it for 28, so it's barely hanging on its life. The golem engages the militia. Alisa hits the burning wraith hard enough for it to flee. The city archers are shooting at the golem, and are the only ones doing damage, because Ceresa is too busy casting spells that Alisa resists, and Skuzu berserks himself despite being at Death's door. The skath kills the demon, the archers, and Ceresa, but not before the archers kill the golem.
Alisa's armor lets her go head to head with three militias, but the burning wraith I had forgotten about comes back and hits her pretty hard. She still manages to kill it, but she is heavily hurt. She still manages to avoid fighting more than one militia at the time, and the battle is eventually won.
I could have done this better. In any case, Resoln is gone, and Alisa gets level 8 and "Lethal I"
Hagdust is a conclave, but of course, it will be a long time before the unrest is in any way manageable. I cast "Enchanted hammers" and "Inspiration", and start a bell tower.
Turn 51: New Pariden: well->monument.
Alisa and her skath start exploring North of Hagdust.
Procipinee and her warg head back to the capital.
Turn 52: Raven's Heart: monument->lumber yard. Tenfell: pioneer->pier. The pioneer heads toward a resource rich spot discovered by Leadanna Northwest of Tenfell.
Procipinee kills some bandits and gets a pair of leather greaves. Leadanna kills a butcherman. Alisa kills a bear cub.
Turn 53: Contact with Kraxis. A group of bandits heads towards Raven's Heart. Procipinee kills them.
Alisa loots a Codex of Hosten. Leadanna loots a midnight stone.
Turn 54: New Pariden: monument->iron mine. Tenfell: pier->lumber yard. Procipinee kills some more bandits.
Turn 55: "Mining" -> "Agriculture". Blackstead: town hall->scrying pool. Procipinee loots yet another ice spear.
Turn 56: Alisa kills some bandits and loots a bottle of Quendar wine.
Turn 57: Tenfell frows into a town. New Pariden: iron mine ->inn. Raven's Heart: lumber yard->bell tower.
Leadanna gets a fireball scroll, but gets chased by a darkling army and a rock spider army, and has to run.
Turn 58: "Agriculture"->"Construction". Blackstead: scrying pool->pioneer. I cast "Meditation" on Blackstead. Hagudst rushes the bell tower, and starts a town hall.
Procipinee gets attacked by some bears, gets "Air Disciple", and loots a set of throwing knives.
Alisa kills the Wraith hero Drakmir and gets a short sword.
Turn 59: Tenfell finishes the lumber yard, and I queue in the resources from the Northwest outpost: a monument, two shards, and an iron mine.
Alisa kills a bone ogre by having the skath dash in and out, and use deadly bite. She gets "Trainer III"
Procipinee sells most of her collected loot.
Turn 60: Raven's heart: bell tower->warg's den.
Procipinee kills a crag spawn.
Turn 61: Tenfell: monument->earth altar. Blackstead: pioneer -> workshop. The pioneers head to a 3/2/3 spot discovered by Alisa.
Turn 62: Procipinee starts the "Kidnapers" quest, then heads towards a banished ogre.
Alisa ends the turn next to a nest of Ignys. I watch some Kraxis scouts that are hanging by a bear's army.
From looking at the Yithril and Kraxis champions, I am seeing a pattern. It seems two free traits,"Muscle" and "Strength", are given to all AI heroes, even though they are normally ineligible for "Muscle".