I played a game with Kraxis over the weekend. It was my most entertaining game with FE so far. 
Medium sized map, normal with 2 opponents (Gilden and Magnar), because I want some room to expand and give the AI time to develop. I needed 320 turns to win the map.
Some quick/random notes:
- one-handed spears give Kraxis a unique feeling (very good)
- I like the description of this faction very much. “We are no traitors. We got betrayed.” J Was it always this text? If yes, what a shame that I missed it.
- Tac.battle are much more fun with the weapon changes
- Techtrees feel better. I can´t say exactly what is better, but I find myself researching things in a different order, trying out different things then in the previous games
- Some monsters are roaming through the wild. That’s cool. But some do not. I had drakes and shrills beside my first town (3-5 tiles away). They never moved. Would like to see the monsters threatening my towns and outposts much more
- Firestorm seems overpowered and it looks weird.. I took out armys of obsidiangolems in a wildland just with this spell on strategicmap. Then the tile burns and you can see the army standing in the fire, although you can´t click on any army.
- Roadtiles destroy rivertiles. Looks weird.
- The AI needs to learn not only level up the sov. and champs., but also units. I chrashed the AI without probs., because my units were lvl. 4/5 and had much more HP then the units from the AI.
-the AI missed many goodiehuts and monsterlairs in this game, but build right next to monsterlairs.
- Has the AI problems to pick up and equip loot? When Markin surrendered (cool feature) he had only a simple battlehammer and 1 piece leather armor. In his bag I found one trillion leatherbracers.
He was already lvl. 10. Can´t believe this was the best equip. he could get.
- Magnar was not that bad. He had a very good robe, a magic bracer and a good weapon. But that’s all. No magical ring, trinkets or anything.
- What I really don´t like about the AI is, that it settles almost everywhere. Sets outposts and city between my towns with no chance to expand or to defend this citys in a war.
But all in all it was very entertaining. Like I said. But it needs more challenge in the endgame, so that I have a reason to research and build more and more and a chance to spend my tons of gildars and mana. Keep up the great work and thx. J
PS: And sry for my english. I hope its halfway understandable.