i only got into pink floyd about 3 years ago.....then i mentally beat my head againt a brick wallfor not getting into roger sooner!! i LUV ROGER WATERS...........
my background is similar to karen, with mother trying to shield me from 'the pagans of heavy metal ' LOL but i still love the 70's music, im a 70's kid at heart for sure. im still discovering music and bands..some i have discovered and love is:
type o negative
clan of xymox
dead can dance
pink floyd
manowar (some thnk they are lame, but i really really like em)
sisters of mercy ( cant get enough of this guy either...ribbons and marian are my faves)
barry adamson (im nuts about that guy)
war of the worlds with jeff wayne yeah thats insane i didnt really hear it till a few years back! i adore it.
and most recently the rocknrolla soundtrack...if i love the music from the movie, ill get it asap. i love most soundtracks, specially bernard herrman (mostly hitchcockmovies)