Movin' On Up - Because it's north, and To the East Side - Because, well, it's east too. And then the Jefferson's Theme Song is just hilarious.
Today is my last day at Stardock. Some of you have known for a while, and most have not. I've taken a position at another company on the other side of town here in metro Detroit. Several people asked me if I was going to do a post about splitting, and I figured I would let everyone know. I've been at Stardock for about 4 years now and have learned a ton and have had the priveldge of working with some really excellent people, both in person here at the office and over teh intarweb tubes. We have brought on some great developers to pick up where I left off as well, so development on the forums and sites will continue. Be kind and be positive to them please.
Personal shouts to the following for all your help over the years; Zubaz (NO!), Zoomba, Hankers, Hippy, DoctorNick (aka qrush), the WC Mods, kryo (for always making sure I know the exact second the forums are down), PurrBall, Jafo. And thanks to anyone who helped me debug or troubleshoot the sites.
I'm out! Peace!